Writing an essay can sometimes be overwhelming, and sometimes your essay may not be as directed, and you need to find a way to lengthen it. Therefore, there are several ways you can increase the number of words or pages to achieve this. These are explained below. Here are the Helpful and Easy Tips to Make an Essay Longer.

Helpful and Easy Tips to Make an Essay Longer

Here are the Helpful and Easy Tips to Make an Essay Longer.

1) Add details | Easy Tips to Make an Essay Longer

An essay is simply writing a dissertation and discussing it in detail. Most essays have a thesis statement and some support statement structure for each major section. To take advantage of this structure, please explain everything in detail. Paraphrase some sentences to describe each point using as many words as possible. Helpful and Easy Tips to Make an Essay Longer

Add padding information to these paragraphs to increase their length. There is no fixed number of supplementary sentences, so take this opportunity to write as many supportive sentences as possible. Let’s add an example and explain when contextizing with arguments. You can also add quotation marks to contextualize the arguments you are presenting.

Use all means to convince the reader that your points are valid, and include information that may help explain the discussion to lengthen your essay.

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2) Minimizing pronouns | Easy Tips to Make an Essay Longer

Pronouns are often short and can be replaced by long words. Spelling the proper name will help you choose the word in your essay. A single pronoun can replace multiple words needed to sum page numbers. For example, you can use names instead of “they”. Each time you use a pronoun, three words are lost, and when you put them together, they can have a big impact on your writing.

3) Divide it into several paragraphs | Easy Tips to Make an Essay Longer

Writing in long prose limits the number of words and reduces the space between lines. By splitting the essay into several paragraphs, you can increase the space between the individual paragraphs. This trick can significantly increase the number of words. By subdividing the article into several paragraphs, you also have space to introduce more content.

For each newly added paragraph, try adding new subject sentences and transitions to the next paragraph. This trick is guaranteed to increase the length of the essay as well as the number of words.

4) Increase spacing / increase font size | Easy Tips to Make an Essay Longer

The document format determines the length. Double-spaced documents are twice as long as single-spaced documents. Therefore, you can come up with a nifty way to use formatting techniques to increase the number of words. First, you can slightly increase the page margins to the size you need. Usually it is usually 1 inch. However, adding a quarter is barely visible, but it helps a lot in giving the essay the illusion that it’s long. You can also increase the font size a bit. Helpful and Easy Tips to Make an Essay Longer

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Usually most teachers need 12, but 12.5 can be used. That small difference could add almost three lines to a 1,000-word essay. In addition, you can easily adjust the character and line spacing to increase the length of your essay.

Periods and commas can also be increased in length, but be careful not to make the essay look ridiculous. You can also add a cover sheet and a separate reference page to supplement the page numbers. However, be aware that if you use formatting tricks to lengthen your essay, it won’t work when the teacher is looking for a word. However, you can fool them by adding the necessary information after graduation and changing the font color to white. The word processor can “read” it, but he / she can’t see it.

Easy Tips to Make an Essay Longer


5) Include long quotes | Easy Tips to Make an Essay Longer

The quoted content is part of the word count. This is probably the most legal and creative way to easily increase the number of words, as the instructions often do not necessarily specify the length of the quotes. Therefore, take advantage of this loophole and add long quotes. Use quotation marks longer than 70 words, as block quotation marks are required. Helpful and Easy Tips to Make an Essay Longer.

Paste the block text as is and quote accordingly. Additionally, explicate on the blockquote in length. If possible, paraphrase it and show how it is relevant to your argument. The text that emerges from the block text as you explain it and contextualize the information is also added to the length of your essay.

6) Avoid acronyms | Easy Tips to Make an Essay Longer

If the number of words is below average, the acronyms are enemies. Write them down and keep repeating them throughout your essay. Acronyms condense multiple words, and in some cases more than five, into a single word. If you have more than 5 acronyms and you spell them out and use them 10 times, the entire paragraph of content will be added. Helpful and Easy Tips to Make an Essay Longer.

If you have multiple acronyms, it’s okay to create a page that literally consists of acronyms. The best part of using them is just to use the Ctrl + F function in your word processor to find all the acronyms and replace them with the extended version. That way, your essay will magically grow a lot.

7) Addition of Statistics | Easy Tips to Make an Essay Longer

Numerical values are a powerful and powerful tool for supporting claims and persuading readers. Read your essay and find sentences that can be augmented with statistical data. It is important to make sure that the topic is relevant, add value to the essay, and make it easy for the reader to interpret. Data is generally from existing research or research, so be sure to include only data from trusted sources. Without data, it can be more harmful than profitable. Helpful and Easy Tips to Make an Essay Longer.


In a nutshell, the author of the essay zoo recommended the above hack to lengthen the essay. In this article, we’ve elaborated on them to facilitate the process of reliably defeating the penalties that essay writers may result from not meeting the essay length requirements.