We live in a world full of various religions and beliefs. These beliefs add major constituents to an individual’s life. The way of working of an individual depends on their morals and beliefs. In most cases, the beliefs are inherited by parents. But in general majority of countries allow the right of beliefs and religion. Many of these beliefs and morals are part of ancient mythologies. Apophis god

There are many prominent mythologies famous in the world. They not only serve as a source of morals but also are of literature importance. Some of the famous mythologies are Greek gods, the Roman world, and Egyptian gods. These gods and mythology are a source of religious belief for many as well as form the most prominent literature work in the world. Many deities of this mythology make a prominent impact. Some famous examples are:

  • Osiris- Egyptian deity of death and resurrection, ruler of the underworld.
  • Isis- wife of Osiris, a major deity of Roman and Greek mythologies.

These are worshipped by many to date. One most prominent mythology is of Egypt.

Egyptian mythology

Egyptian mythology is a collection of records, and ancient texts believed by the people to be their god. The mythology is written in ancient times as studied by the scholars. One of the most important parts of it is the natural surroundings. The mythology is rooted in the surrounding natural conditions of the country. It includes the Nile River and the desert area of Egypt. The Nile River being the source of life for the Egyptians was related to birth, happiness, and glory. There are more than 1,500 deities in Egyptian mythology. These are connected to different aspects of life. Some of them are:

  • Amun- Creator god
  • Anhur- god of war and hunting,
  • Atum- god of solar diety
  • Osiris- Egyptian god of death and resurrection, ruler of the underworld.
  • Hathor- goddess of the sky, the sun, music, dance, motherhood, and the afterlife.
  • Neith- goddess of hunting.

Many of these are very famous but some have been forged with time. Yet all these serve an interesting source of knowledge to scholars and historians.

The Apophis god better known as Apep, is the god of chaos. He is one of the most underrated gods of the Egyptian mythology. He was worshipped during the Egyptian period. During the early ancient period, Egypt served as the commercial center of the world. This results in people traveling to Egypt from all across the world. This resulted in the spreading of Egyptian culture and beliefs around the world.

Apophis god is believed to be the god of chaos. He is said to have been born from the same umbilical cord from which Ra, the sun god was born. Certain old people also believed that he was created by Nu, the god who created the cosmos and Ra. As per the ancient texts he used to live in the underworld. He was not allowed to enter the cosmos at that time. He wants to eat away the light and turn the world into the darkness.

Every night after sunset the Apophis god would travel to the sun. Although he was stopped by the sun god, Ra. Various ancient texts indicate rivalry between the Apophis god and the sun god. The ancient scripts also revealed that the Apophis god was way much stronger than Ra.

Apophsis has been described as a human with a serpent head. In a few illustrations in the coffin illustrations, he has also been represented by a human with a crocodile. The influence of the Egyptian culture also resulted in most of the ancient civilizations believing the serpent to be a sign of evil.

Apophsis was powerful. He could shift its shape and size. It can change into a serpent. He had powers to control water and wind.

Apophsis God

Worship to defeat Apophis god

Every night Apophis god used to travel across the cosmos to derive away the light from the world. He was introduced by Ra, the sun god. It was believed that Apophsis used to encounter Ra at the top of Bakhu mountain at the 10th hour of the night. Apophis god was way more powerful than Ra. He used to traumatize him. To defeat the Apophsi god, Ra was accompanied by Seth, the god of sand and manmy defenders. It was believed by the ancient worshippers of Ra that continuous worship for the whole night is required to give power to Ra to defeat the Apophis god.

Certain scripts explain the method, step by step to defeat Apophis god. He was also considered as the go of the under0wld therefore there were certain rituals to be performed during the burial of the dead. It was to protect the dead from the attack of an underworld god. Apophis god

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Facts about Apophis god

  • Apophis god was used as a title given to the king whose umpire faces a lot of battles and natural hazards.
  • He is illustrated as a giant snake with a length of about 16 yards.
  • He was also called the Evil Dragon and Snake from the Nile.
  • The oldest article that talks about Apophasisgod is dated back to 4000 BCE.
  • He has the power to change its shape, size, and anatomy.
  • He was also known to be a soul-eater.
  • The ancient script of the 11th to 16th century gives information related to the stories of the battle between Apep (Apophis god, god of chaos) and Ra (sun god).


Mythology is the source of belief for people which gives hope and faith. Along with this, it is also a prominent source of knowledge about history, culture, medications, and civilization.

Egypt is believed to be the finest civilization of that era. The famous pyramids of Egypt are a source of chronicle evidence and a source of learning for modern-day engineers and architects. The constriction and beauty of the structure still amaze me to believe it constriction during that ear with the lack of all modern-day technologies.

Deities like Apophasis god or Apep, Ra and many more will always serve as a source of knowledge to learn about world history.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs) Apophis god:-

1. Who Is Apophis?

A. Apophis, also known as Apep, is a prominent figure in Egyptian mythology. He represents chaos, disorder, and destruction. Apophis is often depicted as a massive serpent or snake and is considered the antithesis of order and harmony, which were highly valued in ancient Egypt.

2. What Is the Origin of Apophis?

A. The origins of Apophis are deeply rooted in ancient Egyptian beliefs. He was primarily associated with the underworld and was believed to reside in the darkest depths of the Nile River. Apophis was thought to challenge the sun god Ra on his daily journey through the underworld, attempting to thwart the cycle of life and death.

3. What Role Did Apophis Play in Egyptian Mythology?

A. Apophis had a crucial role in Egyptian mythology as the embodiment of chaos. Every night, as the sun god Ra traveled through the underworld, Apophis would attempt to devour him, symbolizing the struggle between order and chaos. Priests and pharaohs recited spells and incantations to protect Ra from Apophis’s malevolent intentions.

4. What Is the Symbolism of Apophis?

A. The symbolism of Apophis is deeply rooted in the Egyptian worldview. He represented the forces of chaos that threatened to disrupt the natural order. In this context, Apophis served as a reminder of the importance of maintaining balance and harmony in the world.

5. How Did Ancient Egyptians Worship Apophis?

A. Contrary to other Egyptian gods, Apophis was not revered or worshiped but rather feared and despised. He was the antithesis of the values and principles that ancient Egyptians held dear. Instead of worship, rituals and prayers were performed to protect against Apophis’s malevolent influence.

6. What Is Apophis’s Connection to the Nile River?

A. The Nile River was of paramount importance to ancient Egypt, providing fertile soil for agriculture and sustaining life. Apophis’s association with the Nile symbolized the constant threat of chaos lurking beneath the surface. This connection emphasized the Egyptians’ dependence on maintaining order and harmony.

7. Is Apophis Still Revered Today?

A. In contemporary times, Apophis has lost his significance in religious practices. However, his legacy lives on in various forms, from pop culture references to academic studies. The fascination with Apophis continues to be a testament to the enduring appeal of Egyptian mythology.

8. How Did Apophis Influence Modern Culture?

A. Apophis has made appearances in literature, movies, and video games, often as a symbol of malevolence and chaos. His serpentine form and association with destruction have made him an intriguing character for storytellers and artists.

9. What Are the Key Takeaways About Apophis?
  1. Apophis is an ancient Egyptian god associated with chaos and destruction.
  2. He challenged the sun god Ra on his daily journey through the underworld.
  3. Apophis symbolizes the constant threat of chaos in the Egyptian worldview.
  4. Ancient Egyptians did not worship Apophis but sought protection from his malevolent influence.
  5. His influence persists in modern culture through various media.