International Environmental Organizations That Accept Students

International organizations, regardless of political position, make it possible to summarize the environmental activities of countries of interest and emphasize environmental issues in relation to other international issues.

1) BirdLife International

In 1922, British ornithologists founded an organization specializing in the protection of birds and their habitats. More than 70 years later, the society became its current name and is now an international organization with 121 branches in different countries around the world, accepting student volunteers. Speaking of students, you can get help with essays, research suggestions, and the cost of essays. Interestingly, in 2007 BirdLife International launched a large-scale campaign to save endangered birds. The cost of the project was about $ 40 million.

2) UNEP- United Nations Environment Program

This program was created within the framework of the United Nations system and contributes to the coordination of the entire nature maintenance system. UNEP’s main goal is to organize and implement measures to protect and improve the environment for the benefit of current and future generations. UNEP Headquarters is located in Nairobi, Kenya. UNEP also has six large regional offices in different countries. UNEP is responsible for resolving all of the environmental issues at all the global and the regional levels as well.

UNEP’s activities include the implementation of various projects in the fields of the Earth’s atmosphere, oceans and terrestrial ecosystems. UNEP also plays an important role in the development of international treaties in the fields of ecology and environmental protection. UNEP often works with state and international non-governmental organizations. Organizations also often promote and facilitate the implementation of environmental projects. Areas of interest to the

UNEP include the development of international agreements on issues such as potentially dangerous chemicals, cross-border air pollution, and pollution of international routes. In collaboration with UNEP, the World Meteorological Organization established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in 1988. UNEP is also one of the co-founders of the Global Environment Facility (GEF).

3) WWF- World Widelife Fund

WWF is the world’s largest non-profit environmental organization with more than 5 million backers. It was founded by British biologist and businessman Julian Huxley shortly after visiting East Africa as UNESCO Secretary. Huxley was amazed at the speed at which local flora and fauna in the area were being destroyed, and soon began to “ring the alarm” by publishing an article on this subject. Then, on September 11, 1961, the Swiss-based non-profit WWF was officially registered.

Since then, representatives of the World Wildlife Fund have succeeded in implementing various projects. For example, they fought for the protection of unique diversity of flora and fauna in southern Siberia and launched “Save Leopards!” In 2002. A campaign to protect the leopard in the Far East, one of the rarest predators in the country.

The WWF Report, displayed every two years, is one of the most cited and reliable sources of global environmental conditions around the world. This report was produced by scientists from the Zoological Society of London and the World Ecological Footprint Network. This report assesses global health using several indicators, including the state of animal populations, human use of natural resources, the use of renewable energy sources, and the amount of freshwater used in production.

According to a report by the World Wildlife Fund, the indicator is that the number of different animal species decreased by 58% between 1970 and 2012, while the population of freshwater animals decreased by 81%.

4) UNESCO- United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Some of the goals declared by this organization help strengthen peace and security by expanding cooperation between the state and people in areas such as education, science and culture. That is. We guarantee respect for justice and the rule of law, and universal respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms as set out in the Charter of the United Nations, for all, regardless of race, gender, language, orientation or religion.

The organization was founded on November 16, 1945 and is now based in Paris, France. The organization currently has 195 Member States, 2 Observer Statuses, and 10 Related Member States. These regions are not responsible for foreign policy. 182 Member States have Permanent Representatives in Paris, with four Permanent Observers and nine observation missions from intergovernmental organizations.

The organization has more than 60 offices in different parts of the world. Issues covering the activities of the organization include issues of discrimination and illiteracy in education. Study of national culture and training of national staff. Social sciences, geology, oceanography, and biosphere issues.

5) Greenpeace

The reason the organization was founded was a nuclear test conducted by the United States in the 1960s and 1970s. The first informal action of this non-formally non-existent organization took place in Vancouver on October 16, 1970, in protest of a nuclear test with an increasingly powerful bomb. On September 15, 1971, eco-activists sent a ship to Alaska to stop dangerous tests in earthquake-dangerous areas. By the way, this ship was originally called “Philis Cormac”, but was later renamed “Greenpeace”. One of Greenpeace’s most popular ways to combat environmental problems is through strikes and protests.

Greenpeace exists only thanks to donations from citizens and private charities. You do not receive money from states, commercial establishments or political parties. Greenpeace is responsible for the effective use of the allocated funds and will only use it for environmental projects. Greenpeace believes in protesting through action to bring positive results. She believes that her protests and strikes can encourage people and organizations to change their attitudes towards nature. This is probably the most notable way to raise awareness of environmental issues and make the necessary changes.

Greenpeace does not accept any form of violence as a means of achieving that goal. Even if these actions look vague, all actions are expressions of peaceful protest. Greenpeace does not react to intimidation or threats.