
If you’ve always wanted to create an ebook, white paper, or similar digital content, you know that doing this can be very time consuming and involves some challenges. But it’s just as rewarding. Of course, tools like Sqrible make it easier than ever to create your own ebook, and it’s as efficient and simple as you can imagine.

What is sqribble?

Sqribble is Adeel Chowdhury’s professional ebook building solution. The creator was a visionary digital entrepreneur who wanted to develop an app that would make creating ebooks very easy and convenient. With its help, you can finally create the ebook you want without major restrictions or challenges. This says a lot and always takes the experience to the next level in great creative ways.

Working of Sqribble?

Sqrible In my testing experience, Sqrible is very easy to use. You need to log in first and you can choose from one of the many templates that appear next. These are designed for all types of categories, so you can choose the one that suits your needs. You can also preview your ebook after selecting the template. Here you can see the overall feel, templates and more. There are about 50 templates that can be used. So if you don’t like one, you can choose another if you want.


Of course, you need ebook content. That is, you need to start collecting articles, upload a Word file, copy and paste yourself, start from 0, or get the content from the URL. The great thing is that you can do all this without any problems. For example, when you get the URL, Sqribble removes the code and inserts only the text. This feature is so simple that many people use it because it gives the desired result.

Copying and pasting can take some time, but you can format the text as you like. It’s entirely up to you to start from scratch or upload a Word file, but it will help you build your ebook the way you want. Sqribble has a library of private label items that you can use for free. This is great.

Once all this is done, go to the edit screen to resize the text, edit it immediately, add media, call for action, create new pages of all kinds, and need it. You can make various changes accordingly. Our Sqribble tests show that the app itself is very flexible, works reasonably well, and provides the control and value you need without the possibility of challenges or issues. Finally, all you have to do is click Generate Ebook and Sqribble will automatically start creating your book. You may have to wait for a while.


What I liked about the sqribble test was that it had almost everything I needed. This is great because you can access these features and get the most out of them right away. The possibilities are incredible and you will be deeply impressed with the results and value here. The Sqribble software itself is versatile and can run the entire process completely. It provides the ultimate experience and you will be amazed at how it is together. It’s quick and can help you create your ebook very quickly.

That said, Sqribble has a wealth of templates and 15 niche categories to choose from right away. It also provides the ability to work with an inventory library of over 300 Google Fonts and over 1000 items. This is great.

Free Commercial License

You get a free commercial license for easy access to everything. You can make sure you have access to everything you need and then publish it without any piracy allegations. That alone makes a big difference and always conveys the value and quality you need. Definitely worth it. Sqribble also offers a one-click feedback engine for instant access to customer feedback. You can also create a free agency website to further fine-tune and customize your brand. All of these simple things cost a lot of money. Still, Sqribble does everything for you and provides the value and quality you need.

Who is Sqribble for?

The Sqribble is a great tool for a wide variety of people. This is especially suitable for digital marketers who need additional advertising tools on their website. But that’s just as good for consultants and product developers. If you are creating a link building ebook, this is definitely for you. In addition, Sqrible can also be used by coaches, entrepreneurs and bloggers for Facebook advertising, making it suitable for authors who publish their own books. That alone is a very good and comprehensive option that you don’t want to be without it.

Kartra Reviews and Pricing : Is It Worth The Money?


1) Designrr.io

Designrr is very good at creating cool or very professional ebooks in the shortest amount of time. The system they have is very simple. You can get content from Facebook, any URL, Word document, or start writing as you like. Then there are over 100 templates to use, select a template and you can change everything without any problems. You can also publish directly from the app. The downside is that you have to pay for a subscription, and unlike Sqribble, there are limits to each tier.

2) Canva

Canva is probably the best ebook creation tool you can use online. However, to keep creating ebooks with Canva, one thing to keep in mind here is that you need a monthly subscription, and the cheapest tier costs at least $ 12.99 per month. With Sqribble, there is only one plan with all the features. In terms of functionality, Canva is also suitable for many other graphic designs.

Lots of cool templates and tools, as well as your own photo library to use. The biggest drawback of the is that it’s a non-dedicated ebook creation tool, so you’ll miss a limited number of templates and tools designed to monitor ebook creation.

There is also a drag-and-drop solution that makes it easy to create professional-quality ebooks. With that in mind, they don’t really have many categories. Just browse the kind of ebook you need and start adjusting everything at your own pace. It’s a great idea and it definitely brings you the experience and quality you want. Canva doesn’t have the ability to add content, just create a cover and design. You need to use another tool for the content itself.


3) Visme Ebook Creator

This app is interesting because you can start creating your own ebook in seconds. The interface is very convenient as it allows you to start the ebook creation process quickly and easily. We like that they are primarily aimed at professional users, and that you have almost everything you need to realize your ideas. The design is very different. And you can change whatever you want. Keep in mind that not all templates are free, as some templates are paid.

For the price, this tool is also available as a subscription. However, even subscriptions are limited to a certain number of projects, storage space, etc., unless you select a business option that has unlimited projects. Sqribble has no such restrictions, making it a much better option.