Peacock Mantis Shrimp: Colorful, aggressive crustacean with powerful claws that can break aquarium glass. Hunts prey with lightning-fast strikes and stunning visual abilities.
Ribbon Eel: Graceful eel with a ribbon-like body and an elongated, pointed snout. Can change colors and genders throughout its life.
Giant Isopod: Enormous, armored crustacean that lives in deep-sea environments. Feeds on dead fish and other decaying matter.
Sea Angel: Translucent, winged sea slug with a gelatinous body. Flaps its wings to swim and feeds on other sea creatures.
Giant Squid: Elusive and mysterious deep-sea creature with huge eyes and long, tentacle-like arms. Can grow up to 43 feet long.
Frogfish: Camouflaged fish that can blend in with its surroundings. Lures prey with a dangling lure that resembles a worm or fish.
Leafy Seadragon: Camouflaged fish that resembles seaweed or kelp. Uses leaf-like appendages to move and feed on tiny plankton.
Blobfish: Odd-looking fish with a gelatinous body and a droopy face. Lives in deep-sea environments where the pressure is high.
Japanese Spider Crab: Enormous crab with long, spindly legs that can span up to 12 feet. Lives in deep-sea environments and feeds on mollusks and crustaceans.
Frilled shark: Eel-like deep-sea shark with frilly gills. Preys on squid and fish, can grow up to 6 feet long, and has a long gestation period. Considered a living fossil.