Street Fighter 6 - Arcade Games

Street Fighter Series

Street Fighter is a popular series of fighting video games developed by Capcom. It has been a significant part of the gaming industry.

Iconic Characters

The series is known for its diverse and iconic roster of characters, each with their own unique fighting styles and special moves.

Gameplay Mechanics

Street Fighter games are characterized by their 2D gameplay and competitive one-on-one fighting. Players choose a character.

Street Fighter V

Street Fighter V, released in 2016, was the latest main installment in the series as of my last update. It introduced new characters, V-Triggers.

Esports Presence

Street Fighter has a significant presence in the esports scene. The Capcom Pro Tour is a competitive gaming league dedicated to Street Fighter tournaments.


Capcom typically releases new iterations or sequels in the Street Fighter series to introduce new features, characters, and gameplay mechanics.

Technical Improvements

With each new installment, there are often improvements in graphics, animation, and technical aspects of the game to enhance the overall gaming experience.

Community Engagement

Street Fighter has a dedicated fan base, and the gaming community actively participates in discussions, events, and tournaments related to the series.

Crossover Events

Street Fighter characters have appeared in various crossover games and media. For example, Ryu and Chun-Li have been featured in games like Marvel vs. Capcom.