WordPress Plugins | Onetechspot https://onetechspot.com The Blog for Tech Solutions Fri, 12 Jul 2024 04:05:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 https://onetechspot.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/cropped-Onetechspot-32x32.png WordPress Plugins | Onetechspot https://onetechspot.com 32 32 7 Foolproof Ways To Build An Authority Blog (In Hindi) https://onetechspot.com/7-foolproof-ways-to-build-an-authority-blog/ https://onetechspot.com/7-foolproof-ways-to-build-an-authority-blog/#respond Fri, 05 Jul 2024 14:51:13 +0000 https://onetechspot.com/?p=3619 Authority Blog: ग्राहकों का भुगतान करना। हां, यदि लोग आपके उत्पादों या सेवाओं को खरीद रहे हैं, तो आप अपने ब्लॉग को सफल मान सकते हैं। यदि नहीं, तो यह एक विफल ब्लॉग है और आपको इसकी बिक्री शुरू करने के लिए गंभीर सावधानी बरतने की आवश्यकता है। एक प्राधिकरण साइट बनाना अधिक ट्रैफ़िक, बैकलिंक्स, सोशल शेयर और बिक्री प्राप्त करने का एक निश्चित तरीका है। यदि आप सोच रहे हैं कि एक सफल ब्लॉग कैसे बनाया जाए जो पैसे कमाता है, तो सबसे पहले आपको कुछ चीजों पर विचार करने की आवश्यकता है, जो आप इस विस्तृत पोस्ट में पाएंगे। आप तैयार हैं? बिना अधिक जानकारी के विवरण में जाए।

// 7 चीजें आपको एक प्राधिकरण ब्लॉग बनाने के लिए ध्यान केंद्रित करने की आवश्यकता है

1. साइट पर SEO

यदि आप अपने ब्लॉग से अधिक पैसा कमाना चाहते हैं, तो आपको विशेष रूप से Google से अधिक ट्रैफ़िक की आवश्यकता है। जितना अधिक ट्रैफ़िक आपको उतना अधिक पैसा मिलेगा जो आप उत्पन्न कर सकते हैं। 90% ब्लॉग कभी भी $ 100 से अधिक नहीं बनाते हैं क्योंकि लगभग सभी ट्रैफ़िक प्राप्त करने के लिए संघर्ष करते हैं। इसीलिए आपको विशेष रूप से Google जैसे खोज इंजन से साइटों पर अधिक आगंतुकों को लाने की योजना की आवश्यकता है। पृष्ठ पर SEO Google क्रॉलर के लिए आपके ब्लॉग पृष्ठों के अनुकूलन की प्रक्रिया है। keyword अनुसंधान यहाँ एक महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है। एक बार जब आप सभी संभावित लंबी पूंछ वाले कीवर्ड की एक सूची बनाना शुरू कर देते हैं, जिनका उपयोग आप अपनी सामग्री के भीतर कर सकते हैं, तो पृष्ठ पर SEO बेहद आसान हो जाता है।

2. वेब स्पीड

पीएसडी टूल पर जाएं और अपनी वेबसाइटों की गति का विश्लेषण करें। अंगूठे के एक नियम के रूप में, एक फास्ट लोडिंग साइट 2 से 3 सेकंड के भीतर लोड होती है। यदि आपकी साइट को अधिक समय लग रहा है, तो आपको अपने लोडिंग समय को बेहतर बनाने के तरीके खोजने की आवश्यकता है। अन्यथा, आपके धीमे लोडिंग समय के कारण आपको Google पर खराब खोज परिणाम प्राप्त हो सकते हैं। तथ्य की बात के रूप में, अमेज़ॅन हर सेकंड देरी के लिए हर साल अरबों डॉलर खो देता है। अपनी वर्डप्रेस साइटों को चलाने के लिए सर्वश्रेष्ठ वेब होस्टिंग सेवा का चयन करना सुनिश्चित करें क्योंकि आपकी वेबसाइट की गति आपकी होस्टिंग पर निर्भर करती है।

Authority Blog

3. कम सामग्री की बजाय सामग्री का लंबा रूप | Authority Blog

अधिकांश ब्लॉगर एक बात की शिकायत करते हैं कि नियमित रूप से ब्लॉग पोस्ट लिखने के बाद भी उन्हें कोई ट्रैफ़िक नहीं मिल रहा है। वे छोटे लेखों के कारण संघर्ष कर रहे होंगे। इस पोस्ट-पेंगुइन दुनिया में जहां Google गुणवत्ता वाले लेखों के साथ साइटों को पुरस्कृत कर रहा है, आपको विस्तृत और गहन लेख लिखने के लिए अधिक समय देना चाहिए। 2000 से अधिक शब्दों वाले लेखों को आमतौर पर सबसे कठिन खोजशब्दों के लिए भी शीर्ष रैंकिंग मिलती है।

4. Monetization की रणनीति | Authority Blog

अधिकांश ब्लॉगर एक कारण से अपनी संबद्ध बिक्री या उत्पाद की बिक्री बढ़ाने के लिए संघर्ष करते हैं: वे आमतौर पर एक मुद्रीकरण रणनीति नहीं बनाते हैं। विमुद्रीकरण योजना बनाए बिना, आपको अपने आगंतुकों को ग्राहकों और फिर ग्राहकों में बदलने में मुश्किल होगी। अपनी साइटों पर ट्रैफ़िक प्राप्त करना एक बात है और अपने ब्लॉग की आय बढ़ाने के लिए उस ट्रैफ़िक का उपयोग करना दूसरी बात है। जब आप अपने आगंतुकों को खरीदारों में बदलने के लिए स्मार्ट सोच रहे होंगे। अपने लक्षित दर्शकों को परिभाषित करने में कुछ गुणवत्ता समय व्यतीत करें, उनकी इच्छाओं और जरूरतों को जानें और उनकी समस्याओं के अनुरूप उत्पादों को वितरित करें।

5. नेटवर्किंग | Authority Blog

traffic, traffic, traffic। खैर, हर ब्लॉगर और उद्यमी संघर्ष करते हैं और अपनी वेबसाइटों पर अधिक ट्रैफ़िक लाने के लिए पागल हो जाते हैं। लेकिन एक चीज जो उन्हें याद आती है वह है दूसरों के साथ नेटवर्किंग करना। ज्यादातर ब्लॉगर्स को लगता है कि विज्ञापन बड़े पैमाने पर वेबसाइट पर ट्रैफ़िक ला सकते हैं और इसलिए बहुत पैसा खर्च करते हैं। जब तक आपके उद्योग में अन्य प्रभावशाली लोगों के साथ संबंध नहीं होंगे, लेकिन इससे आपको कोई अच्छा परिणाम नहीं मिलेगा। इसलिए अन्य ब्लॉगर्स के साथ खोजने और नेटवर्किंग में समय बिताना सुनिश्चित करें जो आपके ब्लॉग विषयों के लिए प्रासंगिक हैं।

Authority Blog

9 Worst Blogging Mistakes & How to Fix Them (In Hindi)

6. ईमेल सूची निर्माण | Authority Blog

इसमें कोई संदेह नहीं है, सोशल मीडिया मार्केटिंग अनुयायियों और सुसंगत आगंतुकों को प्राप्त करने के लिए शक्तिशाली है लेकिन सभी में, जो अक्सर उपेक्षित होता है वह ईमेल मार्केटिंग है। फेसबुक, ट्विटर और इंस्टाग्राम की तुलना में वांछित परिणाम लाने में ईमेल बहुत शक्तिशाली उपकरण है। ईमेल सूची का उपयोग करके, आप आसानी से अपने ब्लॉग के लिए बिक्री फ़नल बना सकते हैं। यहां कुछ ईमेल सूची निर्माण रणनीतियाँ हैं जो आपकी वेबसाइट पर बड़े पैमाने पर ट्रैफ़िक ला सकती हैं।

  • अपने संभावित दर्शकों की पहचान करें:
  • हमेशा मोबाइल के अनुकूल ईमेल लिखें:
  • मुफ्त सामग्री प्रदान करें:

7. एक समय में एक सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफ़ॉर्म चुनना 

एक साथ सभी सोशल मीडिया साइटों पर अपना समय बर्बाद करने के बजाय, एक समय में एक माध्यम पर ध्यान केंद्रित करें। एक समय में सोशल मीडिया साइटों पर अपने दर्शकों के साथ व्यस्त रहें। एक आम गलती जो ज्यादातर लोग करते हैं, वह है कि वे अपने प्रशंसकों को फेसबुक, ट्विटर, इंस्टाग्राम पर एक साथ बनाने की कोशिश करते हैं। इसमें बहुत समय लगता है और आप अपनी ऊर्जा बर्बाद कर रहे हैं। इसके बजाय एक समय में एक विशेष सोशल मीडिया प्लेटफॉर्म का उपयोग करके उनके साथ संलग्न करें और उन्हें वापस आने और अपनी वेबसाइट पर आने का कारण दें। हर बार जब आप सोशल मीडिया पर कुछ साझा करते हैं, तो इसे दिलचस्प बनाएं जैसे आपकी सेवाओं के बारे में नया क्या है

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Top 7 Topics Makes Any Blog Famous https://onetechspot.com/top-7-topics-makes-any-blog-famous/ https://onetechspot.com/top-7-topics-makes-any-blog-famous/#respond Sun, 31 Mar 2024 02:30:03 +0000 https://onetechspot.com/?p=1487 There are different types of blogs that cover a wide range of topics, interests, and audiences. For a successful blog, you need to plan ahead and choose the niche that suits you.

What should you blog about? | Makes Any Blog Famous

You need to know your passion to determine your blog niche. Each niche has its own audience looking for content that suits their interests. Writing about your passion will keep you coming up with great content ideas as your blog grows. You don’t have to plan just content.

You also need to choose a WordPress theme, optimize it for SEO, and improve your website’s performance. These are tasks that are not directly related to writing, but they are just as important to the success of your blog.

Makes Any Blog Famous

1) Health and Fitness Blog | Makes Any Blog Famous

A hot blog for those who are focused on fitness is the Health and Fitness blog. Anyone with an athlete training background, leading sports class, and familiar with nutrition and nutrition, or a combination of these areas, could achieve a lot with this type of blog. It will be higher. Bloggers in this niche tend to consider the following:

  • A specific training plan that targets the problem area.
  • Supplements that help readers get the most out of their workouts.
  • Various nutrition plans and tips and tricks for adhering to them.
  • Recipes and menu planning.
  • Sharing scientific studies focused on various aspects of fitness.

There are a wide variety of subjects to be covered in this type of blog, even if you choose a specific niche.


2) Sports-Oriented Blogs | Makes Any Blog Famous

Estimates show that there are over 8,000 local sports and sports games, so there’s no shortage of writing about sports fans and sports. If you are an expert in a particular sport, or if you love all sports in general, a sports-oriented blog can be a way to share your knowledge and passion.

Sports blogs usually focus on a particular sport, a particular sports team, or even a particular player or participant. The more popular sports tend to be well covered, and the sports that have established blogs have a loyal readership, making it difficult to break into these areas, but there are niches. There is not much attention in places where you can build your own sport. If you are passionate about a particular sport and have a lot to share, consider this type of blog.

3) Food and Recipe Blog | Makes Any Blog Famous

Food, along with nutrition, is one of the most popular leisure activities in the world. For those who like to spoil themselves with the fun of cooking, those who like to eat healthy, those who like to eat well, or those who just like to try new recipes, they are on the food blog. You will find great opportunities for your passion.

These types of blogs can cover a wide range of topics that match regional cuisine, or explore more exotic topics for a unique dining experience. However, food and diet are not always the focus. Many food blogs also focus on different types of recipes and dishes, including:

  • Baking.
  • Cultural cuisine.
  • Diet and health-oriented recipes.
  • Party and holiday kitchen.

The most successful food blogs tend to find a particular niche and establish the author’s authority as an expert in that particular type of culinary.

4) Lifestyle Blog | Makes Any Blog Famous

One of the most read sections of local and national newspapers, and the most visited channel in cable packages is about lifestyle. Undoubtedly, it is our curiosity about the other half of our lives that drives this lifestyle appeal. Makes Any Blog Famous

If you like exploring different lifestyles and cultures, regardless of motivation, this type of blog is probably right for you. Lifestyle blog topics revolve around:

  • Local event.
  • Cultural event.
  • Arts and crafts.
  • Archeology and relics.
  • Local history.
  • Human interest articles.

You can imagine yourself as a museum curator. The medium presents your findings to the blog. This is a great blog for people with different interests, and tips for getting the most out of dramatic and unexpected things.

How to Allow Anonymous Comments In Blogger

5) Movie Buffs Blogs | Makes Any Blog Famous

Movies give people the opportunity to live as a substitute for the lives of their favorite characters. If you’re a big movie fan and passionate about sharing opinions and experiences about different movies, blogging for movie fans may work. The movie blogs often contain news and reviews about new releases and upcoming features. Makes Any Blog Famous

Sometimes they also chase certain stars. These bloggers have the option to watch premium movies before they are released to the public, and if they reach the top of the ranks, they can enjoy even more perks. Makes Any Blog Famous

Makes Any Blog Famous

6) Blogs Focusing on News and Current Events | Makes Any Blog Famous

Journalism students looking to create a resume can seriously consider blogs focused on news and current events. This is a great way to showcase your work and get the attention of important editors. In addition to journalism students, some people like to see what’s happening in the report. Makes Any Blog Famous

News and current blogs often focus on local events, technological advances, political, religious, or cultural events. Local or regional blogs can cover a wide range of topics, but those who want to be known on the national or international arena choose a particular topic as a niche and stick to it to attract viewers. Makes Any Blog Famous

7) Consumer Guides and Product Review Blogs | Makes Any Blog Famous

Consumer Guides and Product Review Blogs are associated with the best deals on products. The purpose of this type of blog is to provide viewers with informed advice when making a purchase decision. Makes Any Blog Famous
This type of blog usually focuses on the features and benefits of different products and compares which products actually offer those features and benefits at the best possible price. Basically, these bloggers select a particular category of products, discuss how they are used and the benefits they can get, build the value of different features, and then compare the different models with their overall value. Makes Any Blog Famous

These blogs can be niche-specific or broader. If you like gadgets and have the heart to help people get the best at the best prices, this may be the blog type for you. Makes Any Blog Famous

It is a noble endeavor to step into the blogosphere to share knowledge and understanding of various specific or general topics. Your commitment to expanding your knowledge and sharing it with others through your blog is in many ways very rewarding.

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Top 7 Best Cheap Web Hosting Services https://onetechspot.com/top-7-best-cheap-web-hosting-services/ https://onetechspot.com/top-7-best-cheap-web-hosting-services/#respond Sat, 17 Feb 2024 02:44:21 +0000 https://onetechspot.com/?p=891 Cheap Web Hosting Services | Fast, reliable & affordable

Nowadays it is challenging to find a cheap web hosting provider. Because web hosting companies use industry-standard pricing strategies to attract new customers with their low introductory prices. Below are the 7 Best Cheap Web Hosting Services that fit your needs. See expert reviews of the “7 Best Cheap Web Hosting Services” based on pricing, value, uptime, and more.

Cheap Web Hosting Services

However,  the renewal cost is usually 2x to 3x higher. It is necessary to check the renewal prices and the features before you sign up with a cheap host.

Sometimes they provide fewer features such as they don’t have enough storage space or have minimal or limited, not enough bandwidth or no SSL.

Some of the web hosts do not throw in a domain name and SSL even though they are free at least for one year in most of the web hosts. See expert reviews of the “7 Best Cheap Web Hosting Services” based on pricing, value, uptime, and more.

// Given below are the list of 7 cheapest web hosting providers:-

1. Bluehost  $2.75/month (36 months)

  • Renews- $7.99
  • Uptime – 99.99%
  • Load time – 380 ms
  • Features – free email accounts, SSL included.
  • Money-back – 30 days guarantee.

Bluehost for a reason is the most popular, inexpensive, shared hosting option available. Most of the popular webmasters and bloggers use Bluehost and also recommend it. Over 2 million websites are currently hosted by Bluehost.

Out of other hosts compared, Bluehost’s last 24-month uptime has been the best that is 99.99% and the downtime is only 2 hours. The average speed of Bluehost is on the faster side which is 380ms as compared to the other similarly priced web hosts such as SiteGround (681ms) or Dreamhost (654ms).

Because of their excellent and reliable performance and 24 / 7 / 365 live chat to all of their customers Bluehost is ranked first.

The free domain name for one year, one-click installs for different website builders, and WordPress are included in all the plans of Bluehost.

The only and the biggest disadvantage of Bluehost’s offer is that they have the cheapest plan ($2.75/month) comes with 36 months of commitment. So if you plan to use their service for less than 12 months you need to pay a dollar 4.95 per month. SSL is included for free. The cheapest that is the basic plan of the Bluehost comes with 50GB of storage space, 5 email accounts, and unmetered bandwidth. It renews at $ 7.99 per month after the initial sign up period.

Cheap Web Hosting Services

2. Hostinger $0.99/month (48months)

  • Renews -$2.15
  • Uptime – 99.95%
  • Load time – 363 ms
  • Features – free domain for 1 year, unlimited storage, SSL included.
  • Money-back – 30 days guarantee

Usually, affordable hosting providers are slow, unreliable, or with virtually no customer support but in the case of Hostinger is quite the opposite. Hostinger’s uptime has been 99.95% in the last 23 months.

Hostinger is the fastest and cheapest web host. Their average load time is 363 ms which is beaten by only A2hosting and MDDhosting which are slightly more expensive.

Other than this, they also offer 24 into 7 customer support via live chat and this is a very excellent feature of theirs.

Hostinger is a great cheap web hosting option with low prices, great load times, and reliable uptime.

Their cheapest plan costs only $ 0.99 per month; this makes a total of $47. 52 for almost lifetime hosting. Renews at $2.15 per month after the initial sign up period.

The single shared hosting plan includes one website,  one email account,  100gb of bandwidth which can handle a lot of visitors and unlimited storage.

3. DreamHost  $2.59/ month (36 months)

  • Renews – $2.59
  • Month- to- month plan – $4.95/ month
  • Uptime – 99.94%
  • Load time – 654 ms
  • Features – SSL included, unlimited traffic
  • Money-back – 97 days guarantee.

Dreamhost is so confident about their services that they allow you to request the money back up to 97 days even though the industry standard is 30 days. This is the most impressive feature of DreamHost which makes them stand out from all other web hosts.

Dreamhost’s last 24- months uptime is 99.94%.

DreamHost has a load time of 654ms which is not too slow.

You have to pay $1.67 per email account per month in DreamHost because they do not offer free email accounts. Whereas, 5 email accounts are offered by Bluehost and 25 by A2 hosting.

The free domain name for 1 year which reduces at $15.99, unmetered bandwidth, 50 GB SSD storage, WP website builder, free SSL, and support for one website is the remarkable features offered by Dreamhost. Other than this offer Dreamhost has an impressive money-back guarantee that is of 97 days this is only $2.59 per month which is the cheapest plan which renews at the same price. Cheap Web Hosting Services

4. HostGator $2.75 / month (36 months )

  • Renews – $6.95
  • Uptime – 99.95%
  • Load time – 1, 113ms
  • Features – free email accounts, SSL included.
  • Money-back – 45 days guarantee

Hostgator is the biggest and most popular web hosting brand today. They host over 10 million + domain names and have been in the industry for 19 years now that is impressive. Cheap Web Hosting Services

Hostgator has a very poor load time of 1,113ms which makes them the slowest of the cheap web hosts among all. Whereas Bluehost and Hostinger are 2times faster and A2 hosting is 3times faster than the Hostgator. They lack the SSD storage. Even Though Hostgator’s  24 months uptime is 99.99%, that is quite impressive. They have the second up time after the Bluehost. This gives a level of insurance for the reliability of the service. Cheap Web Hosting Services

The cheapest plan required 36 months of commitment and the cost is $2.75 per month of Hostgator. The plan includes unlimited bandwidth and storage, a free domain name for 1 year instant backups, free SSL and $100 ad credit for Google and Bing. Hostgator renews at $6.95 per month after the initial period is over that is of 36-month. Cheap Web Hosting Services

5. A2 Hosting $2.96 / month (12months)

  • Renews -$8.99
  • Uptime – 99.93%
  • Load time – 320 ms
  • Features – free email accounts, SSL included.
  • Money-back – Anytime days guarantee

The average load time of A2 hosting is 320 MS which makes the A2 hosting the fastest shared hosting provider. This has been the same for many years. A2 hosting gets a perfect score for Speed among all other web hosts.

A2 hosting charges only $2.96 per month for such a great speed. Other web hosts, Pride themselves on the speed charge a premium for it or a lot more than $2.96 per month, in this world where being slow can hurt both traffic and conversions. Cheap Web Hosting Services

A2 hosting has a week uptime 24 months 99.93%. It is not that impressive.

In their cheapest plan, you are restricted to only one website which makes it difficult to enjoy other features offered by them. In case, if you want more website you need to upgrade to “Turbo server” which provides  20x fastest speed and it costs a lot more at $7/month for 24/36 month commitment.

Unlimited SSD storage, unlimited bandwidth, free SSL, 25 email accounts, a site builder, and one-click WordPress install are included in A2 hosting’s cheapest plan that is at $2.96 per month. Other than all these features, they also provides a free domain name for 1 year. A2 hosting renews at $8.99 per month after the initial sign up period is over that is of 12-month. Cheap Web Hosting Services

6. GreenGeeks $2.95/month (36 months)

  • Renews -$9.95
  • Uptime – 99.96%
  • Load time – 453 ms
  • Features – free email accounts, SSL included.
  • Money-back – 30 days guarantee

Greengeeks focus on being eco friendly which makes it precious for some users. Other than this GreenGeek isn’t as fast as other web hosts ( Hostinger’s 363 ms, Bluehost 380ms or A2 hosting 320ms). But their load time of 453ms  and 99.96% uptime is impressive.  GreenGeek provides 24/7 customer support through live chat which can be beneficial and found to be quite reliable. Cheap Web Hosting Services

The cheapest plan of $2.95 per month allows you to use only one website. Other features of the cheapest plan include unlimited storage and emails.

GreenGeeks cheapest plan costs $2.95 per month which comes with 36-month commitment and you get unlimited SSD storage, unlimited bandwidth, unlimited emails, a free website builder, and free domain name for 1 year that renews $13.95 and free SSL. Once the initial sign up period of 36 months is over GreenGeeks renews at $9.95 per month. Cheap Web Hosting Services

Top 9 Best Dedicated Server Hosting Providers

7. iPage $1.99/month (36months)

  • Renews -$7.99
  • Uptime – 99.97%
  • Load time – 759 ms
  • Features – free email accounts, SSL included.
  • Money-back – 30 days guarantee

iPage appears to be the cheapest after our top pick hosting. It seems to be one of the best as far as the cheap web hosting goes. Cheap Web Hosting Services

iPage’s super cheap pricing that is $1.99 per month comes with 36 months of commitment. After the initial sign up period of 36 months is over the iPage renews at $7.99 per month which is a drastic change in the price. Cheap Web Hosting Services

iPage has an impressive 99.9 7% of uptime over 24 months and they provide 24 into 7 customer services through several means including the live chat which is a reliable offer. Cheap Web Hosting Services

They don’t offer SSD storage. They are also the second slowest of the cheapest web hosts with a load time of 759ms.

iPage’s cheapest plan of $1. 99 per month offers some features such as free domain name for 1 year that reduce at $14.99, free SSL, unlimited storage, and unlimited bandwidth. The cheapest hosts have one website limit whereas iPage allows you to host unlimited websites. Cheap Web Hosting Services

There are many options in the market that make a perfect balance between affordability and quality. That is why, if you don’t have a big budget doesn’t mean you need to settle for the low-quality web host. You can easily find a provider that matches your needs and your budget with a little bit of research. Renewal price is not the same as the signup price. Renewal prices are higher in the above-mentioned web hosts. Hope you like this article, 7 Best Cheap Web Hosting Services, please leave your comments below. Cheap Web Hosting Services

  1. Bluehost ~ $2.75/month ( easy to use, reliable)
  2. Hostinger ~ $0.99/ month (cheapest quality Web host )
  3. DreamHost ~ $2.59/month (ability to pay month-to-month )
  4. HostGator Shared ~ $2.75/month
  5. A2 Hosting ~ $2.96/month (fastest cheap web host)
  6. GreenGeeks ~ $2.95/ month
  7. iPage ~ $1.99/month ( cheapest web host)
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How to Delete a WordPress Site https://onetechspot.com/how-to-delete-a-wordpress-site/ https://onetechspot.com/how-to-delete-a-wordpress-site/#respond Mon, 31 Jan 2022 04:49:33 +0000 https://onetechspot.com/?p=1699 Step-by-Step: How to Delete a WordPress Site

In this article you will learn how to completely remove a WordPress site altogether. It’s not rocket science, it only takes about 30 minutes, but it’s not like leaving a website. Even if you no longer run your website, hackers may access it. You certainly don’t want hackers to dominate your abandoned website. Apart from that, there are other reasons to permanently remove a WordPress site. How To Delete A WordPress Site.

You may just want to stay away from the content you posted. Maybe your business reputation isn’t what you expected and you want to fill it forever. Merging a blog into another blog may be another reason to learn how to permanently remove a WordPress site.

Delete a WordPress Site

How to delete site?

Fortunately, in case you by accident delete your web page or extrade your thoughts, WordPress.com gives help to opposite the web page deletion. Still, endure in thoughts that it`s handiest viable for 30 days after deleting the web page. Otherwise, your web page might be long past forever.

Go in your WordPress.com web page`s dashboard and click on Tools.

Choose Delete a web page.

Before taking any action, export your content. It takes the form of a zipper file.

Scroll to the lowest of the page, study the reasons and click on Delete Site.

Type with inside the call of the WordPress web page you need to delete.

Click Delete this Site. If you typed in the suitable call, the web page might be deleted.

Login in your WordPress.com dashboard.

Click My Sites > Settings.

Scroll to the lowest and click on Delete your web page permanently.

Export your content.

The relaxation of the stairs are just like the above method.

The above method works perfectly if you haven’t updated your website. For example, you may have purchased additional storage space, a domain name, or used a premium theme. If you do any of these, you will be prompted to cancel the paid upgrade before deleting the site. That’s perfectly fine. Just do the following: In the window asking you to cancel the

Premium Upgrade, click Manage Purchases.

Cancel or forward all paid upgrades after being redirected to the Purchase section.

Restart the above process. This time it should work fine.

How to Customize WordPress Header

How to delete self-hosted sites?

Obviously, removing the website altogether, but the details may vary depending on the host’s interface and tools. So don’t worry if my screenshot is a little different from your screenshot. The important thing is to follow these steps:

Delete a WordPress Site

Make a backup copy.

Why would someone make a copy of the site before deleting the site permanently? In fact, this isn’t a required step, but I’m not sure when a copy will be needed. You may need some site assets in the future, in which case backing up your site can help. It only takes 10 minutes to make a copy of your site and save it to your computer’s hard drive. Fortunately, many backup plugins are free, so there is no good reason to skip this step. How to Delete a WordPress Site

Delete WordPress Site Files

Most web hosting providers allow users to edit their site files. File manager is a web-based application for managing site assets. Go to the web host dashboard and find the file manager icon. Click on it and enter your credentials. Select all files (Ctrl + A) to delete them. There is an alternative to the file manager. You can use a File Transfer Protocol (FTP) or Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) client. Using such a tool can be intimidating for inexperienced users, but it’s very easy once you have all the credentials you need. How to Delete a WordPress Site

In most cases, the first few emails from your web host will include your host name, FTP user name, and FTP password. Check your inbox for this information. If you cannot find it, please contact the support staff of the web host. Filezilla is the most popular FTP and SFTP client. It’s free and reliable. Connect it to your website host and delete your site files. The folder name is usually public_html. How to Delete a WordPress Site

Using Softaculous is another way to remove WordPress websites. Softaculous is a powerful automated installer available to most hosting providers. It does leg work for the user. Instead of wasting time installing the software, just select what you need and Softaculous will install it for you. Installing WordPress is done with just a few clicks using this tool. To remove a WordPress site with Softaculous, follow these steps: Go to the web host dashboard and look for the Softaculous icon. How to Delete a WordPress Site

Click the icon and select WordPress.

Go to your current installation and select the WordPress site you want to remove.

In the Options area, click Delete. Be sure to select Permanently Remove from the drop-down menu.

At this point, the files on the site have been completely deleted.

Deleting a WordPress site database

You learned how to delete a WordPress site file, but now you need to delete its MySQL database. Follow these steps to delete the WordPress database associated with your site. From the How to Delete a WordPress Site

Host Dashboard, go to cPanel (or your hosting provider’s control panel). Find the

MySQL database and click on it. A list of databases is displayed.

Select the database for the site where you have already deleted the files.

Delete the database.

Deleting content from Google and Bing

Websites may still appear in search results even if you delete the website’s files and databases. Search engines intentionally continue to display websites for some time after they disappear. In this case, it doesn’t help us, but overall it’s a real helper. Imagine that every time your website crashes, the search engine didn’t include it in the results. Therefore, you should ask search engines to stop making content accessible to users. How to Delete a WordPress Site

Now you know how to completely remove your WordPress site. I know how to remove a WordPress site running on a third party host or WordPress.com platform. You also learned how to close your WordPress.com account. These actions are almost irreversible and must be acted responsibly. Weigh the outcome of your decision before taking action. Be careful not to regret your actions. However, you can save money if you change your mind by making a backup copy before deleting your WordPress site. How to Delete a WordPress Site

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Top 8 Web Design Plugins for WordPress https://onetechspot.com/top-8-web-design-plugins-for-wordpress/ https://onetechspot.com/top-8-web-design-plugins-for-wordpress/#respond Sat, 29 Jan 2022 10:06:58 +0000 https://onetechspot.com/?p=1702 Web Design Plugins for WordPress

WordPress is a great CMS platform, but it may be unbelievable when you first install it and start building your website or blog. This is because WP (WordPress) draws all its power from the tremendous ways people can change it easily and as quickly as possible. WordPress varies from application to application, so the vast majority of people enjoy using WordPress. There are hundreds of thousands of applications out there, and it can be difficult to know which one is best for you. It’s most important because some of these applications are certainly better than others. Web Design Plugins for WordPress.


It’s real  and works better on your website than anything else, so even if you put in a junk, you can be sure to get rid of the junk, it’s easy and quick. With, what is  the best application or web design plugin for WordPress  to use, whether you’re designing your own site or your client’s site? Here’s what it looks like:

// LIst Top 8 Web Design Plugins for WordPress :-

  1. Envira Gallery | Design Plugins for WordPress

Though the standard galleries that offered by WordPress are not that much good, and you as a designer can seek something more. Here, you will get something more other than the basic titles and can lay out in a grid like a pattern and more easily and quickly. This gallery is a bit more aesthetic. The benefits of taking this gallery is to make your gallery more attractive and also get more options, like different templates, structure, simple dragging feature and position of the images and much, much more. This plugin comes with various pricing options such as Basic, Plus, Pro and Agency. It’s usually $ 30, $ 70, $ 100, $ 300, and so on.

  1. Everest forms | Design Plugins for WordPress

If you need to collect information and data from your visitors or those who browse and visit your website,  this Everest Form plugin can prove great. Also, if you want to offer your visitors the possibility to rate your product or service, or if you want to make sure your visitors are viewing your website, this is one of the most important benefits of this plugin. If you need this plugin, you should be surprised that this plugin  is free. This is definitely an additional benefit.

  1. WP Mush | Design Plugins for WordPress

No doubt you will want to have hundreds of thousands of images on your website. Yes, you need it because your website is a machine for your visitors and displays and loads a huge amount of information that accompanies many important images. You are certainly looking for many benefits, the main one is bandwidth balance.

Most of the time, you’ll find that most  websites are down due to the large number of images uploaded to the websites that are out of bandwidth, but this time there’s a WP Mush plugin to help you overcome it. So I’m relieved. All the difficulties, even if you have a lot of images on your site. It’s free, so you don’t have to buy it.


  1. Elementor | Design Plugins for WordPress

Elementor is the ultimate  free WordPress page builder. With over 2 million active installations, it is the most advanced drag-and-drop editor on the market and is used by experts around the world to quickly create high-end designs  without coding. Elementor comes with many built-in widgets that you can use to  quickly create any part of your website, including images, text, sliders, icons, testimonies, social media,  and animations.

Elementor works perfectly with almost all themes and plugins and doesn’t slow down  existing websites. You can start with a blank canvas or choose from over 100 pre-designed templates  to insert into any page. The Pro version includes some great features such as pop-ups, forms, website headers, footers, and theme builders that allow you to style archive pages.

  1. Slider plugin | Design Plugins for WordPress

If you know that pages on your website are starting to slow down, you need to know that you can’t put a lot of information on a given page, yes, we load the page Talking about time. This slider plugin helps in that regard. This plugin helps show users more content  without  error and even faster page load times. This is one of the best plugins we have found. Visually attractive, easy to use and easy to assemble. It’s usually free and offered at a premium price  of $ 30.

  1. Ultimate sharing | Design Plugins for WordPress

If you’re thinking of having some important plugins and now you’re looking for a WordPress website sharing plugin, something absolutely necessary. This ultimate sharing plugin helps you to share all kinds of social media posts and images on the fly. This is one of the benefits of using this plugin. Unfortunately, this plugin isn’t free, but  premium plugins aren’t that  expensive. That’s about $ 20 $ 25.

Top 9 Best WordPress Backup Plugins Compared

  1. SEO by Yoast | Design Plugins for WordPress

Created by Joost de Valk, Yoast SEO is one of the best plugins for creating content and complying with SEO elements on every page. Yoast SEO encourages you to optimize your keywords. This is an important factor that Google and other search engines take into account when ranking articles. Yoast SEO reminds you of small things you can forget when optimizing your articles.

You can also control which pages search engines can crawl. With over 5 million installations, Yoast stands out as one of the best SEO plugins for WordPress. Other plugin features include  WordPress multi-site compatibility, import and export options, social media integration, and RSS optimization.

  1. HubSpot plugin | Design Plugins for WordPress

HubSpot’s WordPress plugin allows you to capture, organize, and target web visitors using forms, live chat, CRM, email marketing, and analytics. This is a great value from the plugin — and even better, it’s free. This plugin is especially useful for designers. The Drag and Drop Builder makes it easy to create forms, pop-ups and live chats. We customize colors, styles, etc. to suit your brand and provide your visitors with a seamless experience.

The built-in analysis makes it easy to understand which sales and marketing efforts are  most effective and which ones  need to be modified. This will help you determine which pages need to be updated and how design changes will affect your business’s growth.

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Top 8 Best Managed WordPress Hosting Providers https://onetechspot.com/top-8-best-managed-wordpress-hosting-providers/ https://onetechspot.com/top-8-best-managed-wordpress-hosting-providers/#respond Wed, 10 Jun 2020 16:45:16 +0000 https://onetechspot.com/?p=892 8 Best Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

For better and reliable web hosting providers with speed-optimized for WordPress and handling more traffic, bandwidth and storage, managed WordPress hosting is an excellent step. Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

If your site grows, shared or regular VPS hosting is no longer a valid option for WordPress. Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

Automated daily backup, knowledgeable and helpful WordPress tech support that can help you during your site break down, additional security, staging environment, and SSH access are some perks of managed hosting. Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

The below list shows the most popular and well known managed WordPress hosting services which provide reasonable features and good performance for hosting one on multiple WordPress websites. Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

Here is a list of 8 best-managed WordPress hosting providers:-

1. WP Engine – best managed overall

  • Fast speed – 441ms (3 out of 8)
  • Reliable uptime- 100% (1 out of 8)
  • Free WordPress site migration.
  • Automatic daily backup.
  • Pre-installed WordPress
  • Dev/stage/prod environments.
  • Global Cloudflare CDN integrated.
  • Automated SSL certificate.
  • Every cache integration and SSH access.
  • Free studio press WordPress theme.


WP Engine is one of the pioneers of the managed WordPress hosting industry. They have been providing services since 2013. WP Engine is a for-Wordpress- only host. Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

WP Engine offers 10 location websites and uses Google cloud server infrastructure. Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

Wp engine’s current iteration the user panel is easy to navigate and gives the fastest access to all the tools, as they have improved the user interface over the years. Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

It’s easy to Hook up a domain name and an SSL, setting up backups and enabling CDN. you can also launch a new staging and development environment in a couple of clicks. Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

phpMyAdmin is available for more advanced operation and you can also connect to your site via SSH.

On higher-tier plans, WP Engine offers 24/7 live chat support, phone support, and ticket support.

The customer service of the WP engine will guide you through whatever you might have problems with and also install new plugins on your site and help you preconfigure things. Their services are always engaging and eager to help.

The current time is 99.95% and speed is 441 MS of WP engine.

Pricing overview

WP engine managed WordPress hosting starts at $25 per month when paid annually and $30 when paid monthly. Renewals cost the same.

This plan includes one WordPress website, up to 25000 monthly visitors, 50 GB bandwidth, 10 GB SSD disk space. There is also 60 days money-back guarantee.

The overall charges are higher though, currently at $2 per 1000 to visits.

Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

2. Cloudways (cheapest WordPress managed)

  • Uptime – 100% (2 out of 8)
  • Unlimited WordPress websites.
  • One-click WordPress installment with no setup details needed.
  • Free website migration.
  • Automatic backup.
  • One-click staging site and SSH access.
  • Custom Cloudways CDN
  • Free SSL certificate and easy SSL
  • Custom caching solution for WordPress.


Among the top managed WordPress hosting companies, Cloudways has a unique business model. Cloudways don’t hold their own server infrastructure instead they let the user pick the cloud hosting provider as per their choice.

After this Cloudways install their server software on that cloud platform and make it easy to use.

You have a choice to pick from Digitalocean,  Linode, Vultr, Amazon AWS, and Google cloud. The uptime guarantee depends on the provider you pick and these companies have machines all over the globe.

Cloudway’s user panel is well designed. It gears a little bit more towards the user who is comfortable working with servers and also requires a broad range of operations to be performed.

To manage multiple applications installed on a server and to work on multiple servers in one place the panel is optimized according to it.

You can perform different sets of operations according to the server and application you are looking at. You can also keep a check on your stats and services usages,  set backup,  enable SSL certificate, and install new applications, and a lot more.

Cloudways provide you with a one-click install feature. In this, you need to pick an app you want and then choose the name from it and click on the launch button. No other details or settings needed for the installation process.

There is a sizable knowledge-based and community forum where you can get tips from other users.

They provide support for 24/7 live chat

For simple issues and guidance, they will send you tips and try to navigate you’re towards a solution. They also provide ticket support systems for everything that might require more attention from the support system.

Cloudways uptime is 100% without any outage and the average speed is 547 ms.

Pricing overview

Starting from $10 per month to $1000+ per month, Cloudways has a range of pricing points. The plans are divided on the basis of the companies whose server infrastructures you want to use.

  • DigitalOcean – from $10/ month
  • Linode – from $12/ month
  • Vultr – from $11/ month
  • Amazon AWS and Google cloud are more expensive.

1GB ram,  1 processor core,v 25 GB storage, 1TB bandwidth are provided from all above.


You can set up an unlimited WordPress site. Cloudways allows you to pay hourly which is a good option for the one who is running the web mobile app but it’s not the most effective setup for WordPress websites.

CDN traffic is $1 for 25gb. There is a free trial period for three days and there is no money-back guarantee.


3. Liquid web- ( fastest managed WordPress host)

  • Fast speed- 312 ms (1 out of 8 )
  • Reliable uptime
  • Free WordPress website migration
  • Unlimited emails accounts
  • Easy WordPress installation
  • Automatic daily backup
  • Staging environment, SSH, and root access.
  • Helpful support.


Liquid web is mostly known for its high-end hosting setups. They have started offering more budget-friendly managed WordPress hosting plans ever since they have joined with Nexcess.

The liquid web server that works on five data centers – 2 in the USA, 1 in London, 1 in Amsterdam, and 1 in Sydney.

Navigating is quite simple and straightforward in Liquid web’s user panel.

The functionality looks to be all there. You can set your PHP version, configure SSH access, FTP accounts, SSL certificates, schedule tasks to be done by WP-Cron and launch staging environments, and more.

Bewafa customer support 24 into 7 why live chat phone and emails. They have responsive chat support and they even help us to set a WordPress website.

Since they recently joined Nexcess, it is unsure how the support quality will be in the future.

The liquid web provides a fast and reliable server with an uptime of 99.97% and a speed of 312ms.

Pricing overview

Liquid web-managed WordPress hosting tea plants start from $15.83/month when paid annually and for monthly you need to pay $19. Renewals at the same cost.

One WordPress website, 2 TB  bandwidth, 15 GB SSD disk space,  unlimited email accounts are some features included in this plan.


4. Kinsta:-

  • Loading time-398ms( 2 out of 8)
  • Reliable uptime
  • Unlimited free wordpress transfer
  • Free SSL & integrated CND
  • Easy wordpress installation during sign up
  • Automatic backup
  • Staging environment on one click
  • Automatic hacking prevention
  • SSH access.


The youngest company in the WordPress hosting space is Kinsta. It has quickly gained growth and won users over.

Only one WordPress website is allowed in Kinsta as it is a for-WordPress-only host.

All the hosting setups run on the Google cloud platform. While signing up, you get to choose from 22 global data center locations.

Kinsta’s user panel is very modern, clean, and intuitive. It’s an entirely in house built solution by Kinsta.

The main dashboard shows the important parameters of the server such as resource, CND, and disk usage. You can take a closer look at your analytics and services usage.

The interface of Kinsta is very friendly but what’s going on underneath can be problematic at the time.  You can face some issues while hooking up your domain name and then enabling SSL certificate.

They provide customer support 24/7.  The support experience is hit and miss. It’s only ‘kind of’ help.

You don’t actually have access to your client dashboard. Because they will teach you how to do things you need to but they won’t do it for you themselves.

Kinsta has an uptime of 99.90% which is not as good as compared to the Liquid Web that is 100% and the load time is 398ms.

Pricing overview

Managed WordPress hosting of Kinsta starts from $25 per month when paying annually and monthly its $30. The renewal cost is the same.

This plan includes one WordPress website, up to 20,000 monthly visitors, 10 GB SSD disk space, and 50 GB of CDN traffic. There are also 30 days of the money-back guarantee. a $1 / 1000 visitor is the charge if you go above your monthly traffic allowance.


5. Pressable:- Best Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

  • High uptime
  • Good speed- 367 ms (2 out of 8)
  • Automatic WordPress installation
  • Free website migration
  • Automatic daily backups
  • Staging environment
  • Integrated CDN
  • Free SSL certificate
  • Jetpack premium includes additional security and other optimization.


One of the market originals managed WordPress hosting companies is Pressable. The services were started in 2010.


Similar to the WP Engine and Kinsta, Pressable is also a for-WordPress-only hosting. On top of 12 server redundant architecture, Pressable infrastructure is built.

The user panel is simple and easy to grasp. The sites are displayed as tiles,  you can click to enter a given site’s configuration panel.

You can set PHP version, production/ development mode, DNS addresses, FTP accounts, database management, site migration, and cloning. There is no SSH access.

Pressable doesn’t offer you many features that are standard with other WordPress hostings. Plugin update, site monitoring, fixing site, performance issues are not included in the plans lower than enterprise. Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

They provide customer support 24/7 via chat and ticket support. Their responses are quick. The support system is knowledgeable about the product and they know what should and shouldn’t be done in terms of installing plugins and optimizing your site.

They are always ready to help you to solve any technical issues you might have with the site provided it doesn’t involve custom development work on your theme/ plugins.

Uptime is 100% and load time is 367ms of Pressable.

How to Customize WordPress Header

Pricing overview

The plan starts $20.83 per month when paid annually and $25 when paid monthly. The renewal cost is the same. Pressable only provides managed WordPress hosting plans. This plan includes 1 WordPress website, up to 60,000 monthly visitors, 200 GB disk space,  integrative CDN with no limits on the traffic. There is also 90 days money-back guarantee.

Top Web Design Plugins for WordPress

6. Bluehost WP pro:- Best Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

  • Automatic WordPress installation
  • Automatic daily backup
  • Malware protection via Sitelock, file integrity checks, and hacking prevention.
  • SSH access.
  • Global CDN enabled
  • WordPress auto-update for core, plugin, and themes.
  • Helpful support


The biggest and the best-known company in the industry is the Bluehost. Bluehost has all varieties of web hosting plans starting from cheap shared hosting to dedicated servers. Bluehost is also one of the few companies recommended by wordpress.org. Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

Bluehost runs on its own server infrastructures and we don’t know where their servers are located. Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

On the Bluehost user panel, you will be invited to go through an onboarding sequence. That will take you through all the things that are worth doing on a new WordPress site. It also gives you shortcuts to things like customizing your designs, adding a contact page, setting up backups, adding users. There is also the main dashboard where you can check up with your stats and buy upgrades,  tune-up security settings, update/activate/ deactivate plugins, and take care of some specific WordPress settings. Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

CPanel is available for advanced users.

It is easy to set up your account, add SSL and a domain name and install WordPress.Etc.

Bluehost offers 24/7 support via live chat and the phone. Support is very helpful and it will fix any of the issues you might face with your website and it will also help you to choose plugins based on what features you need and install them for you. There also is an extensive knowledge-based and answer to common questions related to WordPress and web hosting. Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

The uptime is not guaranteed, the currently available 99.97% and load time is 813 ms.

Pricing overview

The plans start at  $19.95/ month when you pay for the three years. Picking the shorter registration period will increase the price.

This plan provides features such as unlimited WordPress website, unmetered bandwidth, unmetered SSD disk storage, and unlimited email accounts.

You might have to pay the additional costs on the basis of your need. For website migration, you need to pay $149.99 which involves migration of 5 websites and 20 email accounts per move. The renewal cost is $29.99 /month. There are 30 days money-back guarantee. Managed WordPress Hosting Providers


7. A2 hosting:- Best Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

  • Reliable uptime
  • WordPress free installed
  • Free website migration
  • Automatic daily backups
  • One-click staging and SSH access
  • Cloudflare free CDN and SSL
  • Managed WordPress update and patching
  • DDoS protection


A2 hosting provides any type of hosting. They have standard hosting for a website, email hosting, CRM hosting, forum hosting, Wiki hosting, and more. Best Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

They have machines in 4 locations and run their own server infrastructure. Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

The user area offered by A2 hosting is generic which is not expected from the managed WordPress hosting platform. A2 Hosting uses the same user panel for all the types of hosting accounts across their offer. Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

A2 hosting gives access to the Plesk control panel for any server management.  The Plesk might have difficulty loading and its WordPress related features like plugin/ theme updates, setting up SSL can also be difficult sometimes.

They provide customer support 24/ 7 via live chat and ticket system.

A2 hosting uptime is 99.99% that is good and the loading speed is average around 1,343 ms.

Pricing overview

Managed WordPress hosting plans start at $11.99/month the commitment of three years. The renewal price when the initial sign of period is over is $24.46 / month. Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

This plan includes one WordPress website, unlimited bandwidth, and 10gb of RAID-10 storage. There is a 30 days money-back guarantee also.


8. DreamHost/ DreamPress :-

  • One-click WordPress installation
  • One free website migration
  • Automatic daily backups
  • One-click staging site launch
  • Built-in caching and SSH access
  • Unlimited CDN
  • Free SSL certificate
  • A collection of WordPress theme included


Dreamhost provides you with a range of hosting plans from lower cost to the dedicated server which is ready to handle any volume of traffic. Best Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

The datacenter of Dreamhost is situated in the US and they have their own server infrastructure.

Dreamforce has a functional user panel for managing your server. It is divided into a couple of sections to give you easy access to everything.

Domain,  WordPress installation, email accounts, and FTP accounts can be seen on the left side of the user panel.

Dreamhost is given access to the backup and launch staging site. Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

They also offer customer support through a couple of channels. You can contact them via live chat which is available every day from 5:30 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. or emails or you can create a support ticket. They have an extensive knowledge base and support. The support is helpful overall. They install WordPress for you and help you get your domain name and SSL working correctly. For solving complex issues they will guide you to the right source.

Dreamhost guarantees an uptime of 100% and a speed of 1144 MS. Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

Pricing overview

Dreamhost offers a range of hosting plans which are affordable. Cheapest hosting plan starts at $16.95/ month paid annually and $19.95 / month when paid monthly. The renewal is the same. Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

This plan includes features like 1 WordPress website, up to 100,000 monthly visitors, and 30 GB SSD disk space. There is also 30 days money-back guarantee.

I hope you like this article Best Managed WordPress Hosting Providers. Please leave your comments below.

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Top 9 Best WordPress Backup Plugins Compared https://onetechspot.com/top-9-best-wordpress-backup-plugins-compared/ https://onetechspot.com/top-9-best-wordpress-backup-plugins-compared/#respond Tue, 09 Jun 2020 12:25:30 +0000 https://onetechspot.com/?p=985 Best WordPress backup plugins compared

If you’re overwhelmed by all the different WordPress backups plugins on the market or wondering which is the best solution for your needs then this article will help you to choose the best by comparing the most popular ones. Below are the top 9 Best WordPress Backup Plugins Compared. WordPress Backup Plugins

WordPress Backup Plugins

How to choose?

Investing in the correct WordPress backup plugin is worth it as the most expensive backup is one you never did, regardless of the size of the business you have. There are dozens of backups available in the market that makes it tricky to choose the right one for your needs. WordPress Backup Plugins

Backup methods:-

  • Database backups- Some plugins only allow you to backup your WordPress database.
  • Complete backup- Some of the plugins allow you to back up the entire website with your database and all WordPress files.
  • Scheduled backup – You can schedule a backup that will run automatically with this option.

WordPress Backup Plugins

Backup location:-

Nowadays there is improved security with all good WordPress backup plugins supporting sending the backups in a remote locations like Dropbox, Google Drive, or Amazon S3. And you can easily restore the files and entire website if it gets hacked. Back then most of the plugins allowed you to store the backup files only on your own server. WordPress Backup Plugins

Top Web Design Plugins for WordPress

Here are 9  best WordPress backup plugins on the market.

1. UpdraftPlus :

UpdraftPlus is one of the best backup solutions for WordPress on the market. UpdraftPlus is rated most popular among all other backup solutions. UpdraftPlus has over one million active installs. WordPress Backup Plugins

You can set up a full manual or schedule the backups of all website files including database, plugins, and themes with a free version of the UpdraftPlus plugin. Also, file restoration is simple and can be done with minimal technical knowledge.

It also supports multiple cloud storage options including Google Drive, Dropbox, and Amazon S3 which is the best feature of all.

You can enhance the core functionalities with a free version which is fully packed with all essential features and also with the premium version.


2. BackupBuddy :

BackupBuddy has since 2010, protecting half a million WordPress websites. WordPress Backup Plugins

BackupBuddy enables you to backup your whole website with just a few clicks from your WordPress dashboard. Also, the automatic backup can be scheduled and it sends your backup files to a remote secure location and restores your files quickly.

You can optimize and repair your database and this is the most unique feature of BackupBuddy. Also, you get 1 GB of free stash Live storage with every plugin purchase. Continuous backup of your database changes like new or modified posts with Stash Live. Even if your site is hosted on cheap shared hosting the stash Live will work perfectly.


3. VaultPress (with Jetpack) :

VaultPress is the most powerful backup and security plugin for WordPress by Automattic. Automattic is the team behind WordPress.com.

Up-to-date backup of your site with daily or real-time syncing can be kept with VaultPress. You can easily identify the potential threats and fix them as it regularly scans for security purposes. You can also banish the malware and viruses detected on your website with just one click.

Now, VaultPress is added as a part of Jetpack.  That is why you need to install the jetpack on your site and connect the website with WordPress.com. After this, you can select a personal plan to get started. WordPress Backup Plugins


4. BackWPUp :

BackWPUp also backups your WordPress installation like other backup plugins and then saves them to remote locations such as Dropbox or Amazon S3 of your choice.

The storage of backup files to Google Drive and Amazon Glacier is allowed in the premium version of BackWPUp. WordPress Backup Plugins

Here is the list of  unique features of the  premium version of BackWPUp : –

  • Can Backup to multiple destinations per job.
  • Saves the files on remote backup locations like Google Drive and Dropbox.
  • As per your need, it can back up the specified file path of the website.


5. BackUpWordPress :

BackUpWordPress is the easy-to-use backup plugin as it doesn’t require any setup configurations. It backups the files directly out of the box during activation.

Backup files are stored in /wp-content/backups location of your website by default but you can change the path according to your need. It is recommended to change the path as it will be secured because all files including non WordPress files are backed up in your site root.

The plugin works on Linux and Windows servers. You can exclude the files which you don’t want to backup.


6. Duplicator :

With Duplicator  you can download the files offline as it makes it easy to backup all the WordPress files in zip format. You can also migrate across the same or different servers.

Duplicator has the ability to clone your pre-configured sites rather than manually configuring your favorite themes or plugins which is it’s the biggest advantage. It also allows you to configure a single side and bundle it up. You can migrate the pre-configured WordPress sites to different locations that eliminate the need for reworking. WordPress Backup Plugins

Duplicator allows you to schedule backups and sends them to cloud storage and also send yourself email notifications like many other solutions.


7. WP Time Capsule : WordPress Backup Plugins

If you want to backup only your recent files and not the entire WordPress site then WP Time Capsule is the perfect solution for the same. You can backup your website to various cloud storage sites like Google Drive, Dropbox, or Amazon S3 of your choice. WordPress Backup Plugins

The biggest benefit is that it consumes fewer server resources as it doesn’t compress and zip your backup files.

You have to register for an account on WP Time Capsule, install the free plugin, and connect to the cloud app with your plugin in order to use it on your site. You can send your WordPress backup files to your preferred locations. You can also schedule a time for backup after completion of a full backup.


8. WP-DB-Backup :

WP-DB-Backup only backups your WordPress database and you have to back up your media files manually. And then it sends your files to the address you specify. WordPress Backup Plugins

WP-DB-Backup is a good option for people who don’t update their WordPress site and the images too often. It is not so good an option for beginners as it expects you to be technically inclined. You have to backup and restore the WordPress database manually.

WP-DB-BACKUP is not a good option if you don’t want to handle database files yourself.


9. WP Database Backup :

WP Database Backup is also a free database backup plugin.

WP Database Backup allows you to create and restore backups in just a single click. It is similar to WP-DB-BACKUP but has few more features than WP-DB-Backup. WordPress Backup Plugins

Here are some key features of WP Database backup:

  • Easy configuration
  • Store database backup in remote locations.
  • Multiple storage destinations supported.
  • Sort and search backup from a list.
  • It provides extensive documentation which helps you to go through the process.


Which one is the best WordPress Backup plugin among all the above mentioned?

UpdraftPlus is the best among all for your website. It comes with complete backup solutions and all essential features. It’s a free version also offers an abundance of features as compared to other premium plugins. WordPress Backup Plugins

If you want a live backup whenever your files get changed then  BackupBuddy’s premium backup is best. It also allows for scanning and repairing common problems. The stash feature allows plugins to save a lot of your server resources.


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Top 9 Best Website Builder Tools (Free & Paid) https://onetechspot.com/top-9-best-website-builder-tools-free-paid/ https://onetechspot.com/top-9-best-website-builder-tools-free-paid/#respond Sun, 07 Jun 2020 11:58:26 +0000 https://onetechspot.com/?p=946 Best Website Builder Tools

There are more than 50 website builders on the market. All the tools provided below will create a website easily at a low cost. Below are the Top 9 Best Website Builder Tools. Best Website Builder Tools

Who should use a website builder?

The website builder is not for everyone. Though they are a fantastic asset. Top 9 Best Website Builder Tools

It’s right for you if you want to create a:-

  • Small business websites
  • Personal website or blog
  • An E-commerce website is an online store to sell the product.
  • You want it fast and cheap.

It’s probably not for you:-

  • If you’re an experienced web developer/designer who has knowledge of HTML, CSS, and PHP.
  • If you want to build a complex and big website.

Top 9 Best Website Builder Tools (Free & Paid)

Here are the 9 most popular and best website builders:-

1. Wix.com


  • Very easy to use
  • Free version and trial available
  • 630+ themes and templates
  • Good for websites, blogs, and online stores.
  • Reliable performance
  • AI builder (5 min website)
  • 30-day money-back guarantee


  • No live chat support.
  • Email accounts cost extra.

Wix website builder provides you 630+ themes that are suitable for many different businesses, individuals, and non-profits.

They have themes that are best for blogs, online stores, or a business website. They also have every theme categorized by photography, portfolios, travel, food, beauty, and more. Top 9 Best Website Builder Tools

Other than different themes, they allow you to choose fonts from 100+ different fonts and you can also upload your custom fonts. There are 1000+ images in stock if you need any images for your website.

You can showcase your work by creating a gallery. Free favicon and logo marker included. This feature helps to develop logos for your website. Top 9 Best Website Builder Tools. Best Website Builder Tools

You can create an online store to sell the products, create coupons, and send it an email newsletter with the help of Wix. Therefore, Wix is more than a website builder. Best Website Builder Tools

Wix provides you drag and drop features which makes creating websites simple.

Drag and drop feature allows to simply reorganize the website, add sections, and make modifications that make publishing and making changes to the website instant. Best Website Builder Tools

They also introduced new features recently named ADI. It is an AI that creates a unique Website for you.  Wix AI can create a website suitable for your business and needs.

Wix users have iOS and Android apps available that allow them to edit the website on other devices. Multiple editors or authors can be assigned to one website. That is the biggest benefit if you have a big team and organization to make your website. Phone and ticketing support is only available.

When you sign up in Wix they will be responsible for hosting your site. They have a stable uptime of 99.98% and loading time is 412 ms.

To test their service they offer a free plan. When you create an account they warn that you cannot connect to your own domain name and the website will have Wix ads. You can upgrade later anytime. Best Website Builder Tools


  • Every plan comes with a 14-days free trial.
  • SSL free included in all plans.
  • The free domain name for 1 year is included in every yearly plan with renewals cost of $12.95/ year.
  • The cheapest plan starts from $13/month with 2GB bandwidth and 3GB storage.
  • Cheapest Ecommerce plan starts from $23/Month which includes unlimited bandwidth and 20GB storage.
  • Email accounts cost $6/month each through Google suite.

Top 5 Website Rippers

2. Constantcontant.com (CTCT builder) – Top 9 Best Website Builder Tools


  • Easy and simple to use
  • Free version
  • Includes AI builder
  • 24/7 live chat support
  • Great selection of free images
  • 30 days money-back guarantee.


  • Uses layout instead of templates
  • Editing images is difficult.

Constant contact builders offer the customer with a guided AI wizard that crafts a completely custom website to which you can add content, suggestions, and personalized images.

Mobile-friendly websites are created automatically by AI builders. With pre-built options, text, color, and image editing tools, editing a newly generated website is simple. It also offers email automation, third party plugins, and supports automatic syncing with social networks. Top 9 Best Website Builder Tools.

Constant contact builder’s every website on a robust and speedy Content distribution network (CND). This allows the user to get the fastest loading version available at any time. You won’t have to worry about branding as they offer AI-powered logo makers.

They are very easy to work with. They will ask only a few questions and on the basis of your answer, they will create a personalized website.

With the help of AI-powered builders, you can easily add new pages and edit sections and customize the layout.

They are integrated with major payment gateways such as Paypal and Stripe.

Clients are provided with access to more than a million quality images, something that takes the burden of taking high-resolution images and sourcing quality photos out of your hand with the integration with an Unsplash image library.

They also offer a free plan with 30 days money-back guarantee. The free plan helps you get used to the platform and decide to upgrade or not. But the email subscriber list is limited to free plans.

They give you the chance to send targeted emails that you can personalize. They also offer features such as website analytics, lead capture forms, and event registration.

24/7 live chat, email, and phone support is also provided. Constant contact is the best option for eCommerce owners as they allow consumers to set up an online store even while using the free trial.  For customers with business plus plans, there is no transaction fee. Top 9 Best Website Builder Tools.

The uptime of constant contact is 99.98% and the speed is 264ms. A solid and affordable option for small business, email marketing, and non-techie business owners who don’t want prolonged website design process is constant contact.


  • Free plan available
  • Free SSL certificate in all plans.
  • The free domain for 1 year comes with all paid plans. Which at renewals at $22.00/year
  • The cheapest plan starts from $10/month which includes unlimited bandwidth and storage.
  • E-commerce is included in all the Plans but with limited 3 items and has a 3% transaction fee.


3. SITE123. Com


  • Good for small businesses.
  • Free limited plan with ads.
  • Online shop features can be added.
  • Also, a gallery can be added.
  • Website translate features.


  • No drag and drop
  • Not everything is fully customized.

You can create a small business website, blog or eCommerce website by using SITE123 which is an easy website builder. All the templates in SITE123 are fully responsive and optimized for mobile devices. Top 9 Best Website Builder Tools.

It is very flexible in uploading images, changing fonts, color schemes, adjusting the structure and design of your website’s homepage. But you can’t change the template of your website. They also provide 100+free stock of images and access to free Google fonts library. It can link out to 25 different social media platforms and can integrate with only a few clicks.

SITE123 website builders provide you an alternative to drag and drop Website builders by choosing to give clients a simplified option that allows them to upload their content in wireframe layout. Using the easy interface can speed up the set-up process but decrease the customizability.

They also allow the clients to create multilingual websites. This is the best option for international business as there is no need for multiple websites in other languages, but simply an additional language version of their website.

They also help the client to enrich their website content by providing them website plugins, including analytical tools, live chat support, marketing, and webmaster tools.

The customers can edit beta and title descriptions, customize URLs, and add alt text to images as they provide SEO functionality.

A 24/7 live chat and phone support for any technical issues are provided. Access to their knowledge center, packed with free guides on how to use their tools and features, and clients also check out the website builder tutorials on their youtube channel.

You can easily activate your domain-related email with SITE123.

In SITE123, clients accept PayPal and stripe online payments. Coupon code can also be delivered through social media and email marketing. They also offer a free SSL certificate. Top 9 Best Website Builder Tools.

They have a stable uptime of 99.87% and page speed is 724ms.


  • Free version available.
  • Free SSL included in all the plans.
  • The free domain name for 1 year is included in all the yearly plans with a renewal cost of $13.00/year.
  • The cheapest plan costs $8.45/month with the limited bandwidth of 45GB and 90 GB of storage.
  • Limited email accounts.


4. Squarespace. Com – Top 9 Best Website Builder Tools


  • Easy to use, drag, and drop Available.
  • Modern 70+ themes and templates.
  • Very intuitive
  • Reliable support
  • Good selection of add-on features.
  • Best for creative business and people.



  • High monthly cost
  • Limited third-party integration.

Squarespace is a website builder that offers 100+ themes and templates which are responsive to both phones and tablets. Squarespace is a platform that provides you perfection in designs, fonts, sizes  and images.  The site styles menu allows great templates customizable. The platform definitely lives up to its”build it beautiful” tagline.

The biggest advantage is that they give the opportunity to such templates without losing any content. You can also use multiple templates for the same website at once. They provide you the freedom to create unique templates by swapping your own photographs but they must be in high resolution. Top 9 Best Website Builder Tools.

As it offers clients a number of handy features including multi-author functionality, post scheduling, AMP support, and hosting your own podcast, they are the best option for blogging.

Four mobile apps are available for Squarespace. The best one is Squarespace which provides you the opportunity to rearrange almost all aspects of the websites, including blogs, stores, and pages.

They also offer SEO optimization options, including options to customize the meta-description, tags, and URLs. You can also add alt text for images but it’s complicated.

They offer add-on features such as social media widgets, gallery widgets, tools for restaurant, and appointment scheduling. It doesn’t support extensions and third-party apps. Third-party can be implemented if you use code injection as a developer toolset.

E-commerce websites can add-on online stores with an interface where they can easily manage products, order, inventory, and coupons discounts. Payments can be done by Stripe, Apple Pay, and PayPal. Best Website Builder Tools

The Squarespace interface is not intuitive but it looks appealing and minimalist. The usability leaves to be desired as it requires you to save the new changes which are time-consuming. Best Website Builder Tools

They have 6 interface languages that are EN, ES, FR, DE, IT, and PT. As it relies only on Google translate, it is not robust when it comes to creating multilingual websites. Best Website Builder Tools

Cover page builder, G suite, and Getty images are the new features launched by them recently. The option to edit content Live by using lining edits and some other features are implemented in New version that is version 7. Best Website Builder Tools

The uptime is 99.99% and page speed is 587ms.

They offer 24/7 customer support via live chat, email tickets but there is no phone support. They also have a knowledge base with guidelines and Videos.


  • 14 days of free trials with premium features.
  • Free SSL with all Plans
  • The free domain name for 1 year with all yearly plans and renewals at $20.00/year.
  • The cheapest plan costs $12/ months and includes unlimited bandwidth and storage.
  • Cheapest Ecommerce plan starts at $26/month which also has unlimited storage and bandwidth.
  • 1 free G suite account for 1 year, renews at $6/month.


5. HostGator. Com – Top 9 Best Website Builder Tools


  • Easy and simple to use
  • Cost-effective
  • 200+ website templates
  • Free image gallery


  • Slow customer support
  • No free plan or trial.

Hostgator is a popular website builder that lets you create small businesses, blogs or E-Commerce websites.

They provide you an intuitive drag and drop editors to create your website. They have many well-designed templates that are incredibly easy to customize with the help of a simple editor. Best Website Builder Tools

Clients get responsive websites fully optimized as their professional templates are mobile-friendly. You have the option to choose from 200 professionally designed website templates and they have a built-in stock photo library where quality photos are available. Best Website Builder Tools

The clients are informed about the important website stats like numbers of site visitors or prime source of traffic generation by integrated website analytics. Every plan has a free SSL certificate and they have added each domain so that you can be confident that your website is secure from unauthorized access. Best Website Builder Tools

HostGator isn’t a high-performance d builder and is not suitable for complex websites and good for non-techie individuals that want to start a small business or a personal blog. HostGator is a new website builder and it will likely to upgrade over time.

They offer all basic features such as inventory control, coupon management, shipping, tax calculator, and reporting. HostGator is good for small eCommerce websites. This platform gives clients the opportunity to create an online store with a built-in shopping cart functionally with an eCommerce plan. Top 9 Best Website Builder Tools

They don’t offer a free trial for website builders. 24/7 customer support via live support is offered. The Hostgator premium plan comes with priority support.

They have an impressive knowledge base with base articles that cover a variety of topics related to most common site issues.

They provide uptime of 99.98% and load time of 299ms.



  • A free version and trial is not provided.
  • All plans include SSL.
  • The free domain name for 1 year in all yearly plans, renewals for $15/year.
  • The cheapest plan costs $3.48/Month and includes unmetered bandwidth and unlimited storage.
  • eCommerce plans start from $9.22/month that includes unmetered bandwidth and storage.
  • Each email account costs $6/month through google suite.


6. GoDaddy. Com


  • Easy use.
  • AI builder included
  • 30 days of free trial.
  • Live chat and phone support
  • Easy to manage the online store.
  • Well established company.



  • Many upsells
  • Limited customization.

GoDaddy is a Popular user-friendly website builder. They use ADI (artificial design intelligence) to help the users to create unique customized Websites. It is very easy to use and a good option for nontech users who want to set up a simple site online.

They work well for small businesses, websites with not so complex features and are very cost-effective. They enable the comment section in blogs where users can post images, videos, and audio too, that is why GoDaddy is the best option for blogging. The platform provides the users a chance to sign up via RSS feed and they get instantly informed about everything you post.

Their knowledge-based SEO is a good resource that helps the Businesses learn how to rank high on search engines like Google. That is why it works well for e-commerce websites. They get the capacity to connect the social media stores with their website and abandoned cat recovery function.

They provide free SSL encryption that is great for security and highly recommended by Google.

In 2017, GoCentral was the brand that was their website New version introduced by GoDaddy. GoDaddy gives the opportunity to test GoCentral for one month free.. The new version is responsive and optimized for mobile devices. They have 6 theme styles and clients are allowed to make choices from limited templates, pre-filled photography elements, and designs. Best Website Builder Tools

GoCentral has a drag and drops editors. So other than the basics of Website design will find it limiting. For example, if corona can’t change the font and the platform allows only one way to add images and video without changing their size or adding text.

GoCentral is a good option for small businesses with online stores that allow them to sell physical goods and services. GoDaddy doesn’t allow to sell digital items, ratings or recommended products.

A domain name is not included in GoCentral. You can purchase it or transfer the domain name that you already have.

GoDaddy hosting is stable with uptime of 99.99% and a speed of 614ms.

They also offer 24/7 phone and live chat support.


  • 30 days of a free trial.
  • Free SSL in all the plans
  • The free domain name for 1 year in all yearly plans, renewals for $17.99/month.
  • The cheapest plan is $10/month.
  • eCommerce plan start from $25/ month


7. Weebly. Com


  • Easy to use and also includes drag and drop.
  • 64 responsive themes
  • Can create a membership site.
  • Great SEO tools
  • Many apps can be integrated.


  • Limited design flexibility
  • No email-marketing tools.

Weebly is the most popular website builder of all. Tu can create portfolios, business sites, blogs, and online stores. It’s intuitive drag and drop is beginner-friendly. It let the client create sites without a line of code. Weebly is the best option for blogging and new online stores. Best Website Builder Tools

They have professionally designed templates that are responsive but there’s isn’t much variety. Weebly offers functionality for customizing the visual content but it’s not the most flexible option. You can customize the templates via CSS and the platform allows editing of the source code but it can be difficult for the user who doesn’t have good grasps on design and programming. Best Website Builder Tools

Weebly has a big advantage of its super practical app center which offers a wide variety of add-on that can be installed just by one click. App center has 250 different apps and most of which have free versions as well as premium ones for added functionality. With Weebly, if there is something that client can’t create then that is possible on a weekly Weebly app. Best Website Builder Tools

They allow users to create different login and access levels which is vital for companies with more than one site editors. You can also create a password-protected membership area where members can get access to exclusive content. Best Website Builder Tools

They also offer great SEO optimization. Meta- description, title, URL names, alt text next to images, and 301 redirects can be added. They also allow you to inform code in the site grader and on the Page, which can be a good opportunity to add external tools like online chat and payment buttons.  They don’t provide email marketing tools. For email marketing, they can use other marketing platforms like MailChimp, E-goi, and Aweber. Best Website Builder Tools

Clients can create a small website by a free plan provided by Weebly. But if you want to use their domain name then you need to upgrade to higher plans. Best Website Builder Tools


  • Free plan
  • Free SSL included in all the plans.
  • All the annual plans included free domain name for 1 year and renewals cost is $19.95/year.
  • The cheapest plan starts from $6/month.
  • The E-Commerce cheapest plans start from $12/ month which includes unlimited storage.
  • Google suite is used as its email provider which costs $6/month per account.


8. Jimdo.com


  • Uses drag and drop
  • Free limited plan with ads
  • Great SEO capabilities
  • Flexible style sets.


  • No live chat or phone support.
  • Bad uptime and speed
  • Low numbers of templates.

Jimdo is an all-inclusive drag and drops website builder which helps people with no coding knowledge to build full-featured, phone-optimized websites. Jimdo is very easy to use which it’s the greatest strength.

Jimdo clients get the opportunity to manage their content by choosing between two different approaches that are dolphin and creator.

The clients that use dolphin mode get to build websites with AI editors. They can chat with the AI designer and answer the questions about the type of website they want. By the help of the answer and information from their social media the dolphin mode tries to create a personal taste website. It is easy to use but when it comes to making a design change it is not that flexible.

The Creator mode of Jimbo is more flexible than dolphin mode. As it offers clients 40 templates, drag and drops editor, and opportunity to include additional features such as background videos, galleries, blogs, and an online store. Its interface is intuitive and user friendly and can be by no web design experience person. They don’t allow editing or cropping images with Jimbo’s editors.

They provide every template which comes with a mobile-optimized version that is easy to activate – in the setting area. There is no limitation in changing colors and font sizes which is the biggest advantage of Jimdo. Best Website Builder Tools

People who are comfortable with coding can easily access CSS on their jimdo’s website. The user can also edit the HTML code of their site and create custom templates. Best Website Builder Tools

They also have great SEO capabilities as it allows add alt text, page titles and meta description and use SEO-friendly heading.  Google-friendly URLs and 301 redirects can also be created. Clients are not allowed to use SEO plugins and apps but they are slow to use resources such as Google search console, Pingdom, Yoast’s real-time content analysis tool or hub spots website grader. They also give a preview to how the page will look like in a Google search. Best Website Builder Tools

They are SSL encrypted and meet all the security standards. Email and social media support systems are provided to clients by them. They don’t have a phone and live chat support. But they do have a knowledge base with articles and videos which are useful to solve common issues. Best Website Builder Tools

They have an uptime of 99.91% and a load time of 893ms.


  • Free version available
  • All plans include SSL
  • The free domain name for 1 year is included in the annual plan which Renews at $20.00/year.
  • The cheapest plan costs $9/month and includes 10GB bandwidth and 5GB storage.
  • E-commerce cheapest plan starts from $19/month and 15GB storage included.
  • Each email account costs $6/month through google suite.


9. Webs. Com


  • Easy to use
  • Free basic plan
  • Can create a membership site.
  • Knowledge support
  • 30 days money-back guarantee


  • Limited customization
  • Poor uptime and page speed performance.

Webs is a website builder and also hosting platform that helps no coding experience people to create beautiful websites. They have minimalist features yet intuitive drag and drop editor and a clear interface where users can add and edit modules with ease. The interface allows inserting content anywhere in the website by simply dragging the images and text into place. They don’t have a big learning curve compared to other of its competitors as it’s so straightforward. Best Website Builder Tools

Webs give you too choose from 400 templates but some may be dated, largely because they are mostly business-oriented. They don’t allow clowns to akter their designs through HTML or CSS codes. This is not ideal as the extent of customization that webs offer allows only font style, background and color scheme changes. Three numbers are limited to mobile-optimized templates. To customize their mobile website feature is only included in the Pro plan.  Best Website Builder Tools

The membership function which allows clients to send exclusive content and group emails is the biggest advantage of webs.

Users who need advanced tools and features can use the Webs app store and add Calendar, forum, Blogs, videos, and photo galleries to their site. The apps are not that much impressive as compared to others. But they can install third-party widgets by using the HTML option. Best Website Builder Tools

E-commerce websites are allowed to add an online store with an interface where products can be managed easily and give out coupon codes. Web’s online store allows users to upload multiple images per item, organize products into categories, and create price-slashing graphics. Best Website Builder Tools

PayPal and stripe are used to do payments. The user has a chance to create a worldwide client base as they have convenient global currency options.

They offer free, ads supported versions without a time limit. The client can cancel the subscription as the web allows this feature but within 30 days and receive their money back. Best Website Builder Tools

They have a good range of customer support options which includes a community forum, a knowledge base, email, and phone support. They don’t offer multi-language support.

They have an uptime of 99.69% and a page speed of 759 ms.


  • Free version available.
  • All the plan includes SSL
  • The yearly plan includes a free domain name for 1 year and renewals cost $19.95/year
  • The cheapest plan is $5.99/month and includes 5GB storage.
  • Cheapest Ecommerce plan is $12.99/month and includes 5GB storage
  • The limited email account is 3 accounts with enhanced plan and 25 with Pro plan.



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Top 8 Best VPS Hosting Providers | 30X Faster https://onetechspot.com/top-8-best-vps-hosting-providers-30x-faster/ https://onetechspot.com/top-8-best-vps-hosting-providers-30x-faster/#respond Tue, 02 Jun 2020 13:29:24 +0000 https://onetechspot.com/?p=948 Top 8 Best Virtual Private Servers Providers

VPS hosting sounds mysterious to many website owners as it doesn’t explain what you really get when you buy it. Here are the top 8 Best VPS Hosting Providers. Best VPS Hosting Providers

 Best VPS Hosting Providers

What is VPS hosting?

VPS stands for the virtual private server. “Virtual” in VPS means, your server runs as a virtual set up on a more powerful server because the server isn’t a separate machine. That parent server can have more virtual machines running. Best VPS Hosting Providers

“Private”  in VPS means the server all the resources are allocated to you privately. You don’t share these resources with other customers. Best VPS Hosting Providers

Benefits:- Best VPS Hosting Providers

VPS hosting has two main benefits.

  1. VPS setup generally guarantees stability. The server resources are assigned to you alone,  which means you are immune to what any other users are doing with their server. Best VPS Hosting Providers
  2. VPS hosting provides you full control and route access to your server. You can choose the software to install on your server and configure that software according to your wish but within reasons. This lets you match your servers configuration to your replication or your website. Best VPS Hosting Providers

 Best VPS Hosting Providers

// Here is a list of 8 Best VPS Hosting Services:-

  1. Liquid web – fastest managed VPS ($15/month)


  • Fast load time
  • Unlimited websites
  • Fully managed
  • Load balancer dedicated IP address
  • Daily backup, DDoS protection
  • 24/7 support
  • Cloudflare CDN and free SSL



  • Big price increase if you want to pay monthly.
  • For its wider range of Hosting offering, the liquid web is well known in the Web hosting industry.  They have an all range of optimized setup for small online stores and WordPress sites to enterprise-level servers that go for a thousand dollars. Best VPS Hosting Providers
  • Liquid web cloud VPS hosting plans sit somewhere in between price-wise. They also offer uptime of 99.99% and a loading time of 400 ms which is excellent. Best VPS Hosting Providers
  • They run their own hosting infrastructure and have 5 data centers that are 2 in the US, one in London, Amsterdam, and Sydney. Best VPS Hosting Providers
  • They offer easy integration with Cloudflare CDN and Akamai and their setups are ready to handle in any terms of traffic. DDoS protection, a cloud load balancer, server protection layers, and vulnerability assessment integrated. Best VPS Hosting Providers
  • They provide you daily backups and free website migration. Liquid web clouds are fully managed VPS.
  • They also provide their 24/7 support services. They may take a little while to reply.

Pricing –

  • Liquid web offer packages starting from $15/month with 2 years of commitment.  After this period you need to pay $59 / month which is expensive. This plan includes an unlimited number of sites, 2GB of RAM, 2 vCPUs, 40 GB of SSD disk space, 10 TB of bandwidth, and Linux. Best VPS Hosting Providers
  • The liquid web uses InterWorx as it’s hosting control panel. It’s not a very popular solution and thus increases the learning curve. If you want to use cPanel or Plesk, then you need to pay an additional fee.
  • Hosting on Windows servers can be done with a starting price of $54 / month paid for 2 years upfront.
  • There are no refund policies on VPS plans offered by the liquid web.

Top 10 Best Web Hosting Providers for Blogs & Websites

2. ScalaHosting – cheapest managed VPS ($9.95/month)


  • Unlimited websites
  • Fully managed
  • Free unlimited websites migration
  • Good scalability
  • Daily backups and SShield security system.
  • Dedicated IP address
  • Cloudflare CDN
  • 24/7 support


  • Paid SSL certificate.
  • ScalaHosting was founded in 2007 which is relatively recently by industry standard. Which makes the VPS hosting accessible to everyone. There are many different types of hosting offered but their VPS setups remain flagship. Best VPS Hosting Providers
  • They give you an uptime guarantee of 99.99% with an average speed of 897 ms.
  • Scala runs its own hosting infrastructure. They have two data centers which are located now in the US and another in Europe.
  • The plans of VPS hosting are scalable and you can configure your machine up to granular level.  For example, you can pick unlimited CPU cores, RAM, and SSD storage space according to your need.
  • They provide you Fully managed setup, unlimited site migration, and also own SShield security protection system.
  • Customer support is available 24/7 via live chat and ticket support.
  • Scala runs a custom management panel that is SPanel. SPanel is the same as cPanel.


  • VPS provider offers to host in many different configurations and you can build your server according to your needs. The starting plan is $9.95/ month when paid for three years and $12 when paid monthly. Best VPS Hosting Providers
  • This plan includes 2GB ram, 1 CPU core, 20 GB of SSD disk space. You need to pay for an SSL certificate as it is not free in this plan which starts from $30/year.
  • 30 days of a money-back guarantee is provided by them.


3. HostGator- most unlimited VPS ($19.95/month ) – Best VPS Hosting Providers


  • 100% of uptime
  • Unlimited websites
  • Fully managed
  • Two dedicated IP addresses
  • Weekly backups, DDoS protection.
  • 24/7 support


  • No cPanel in the base plan.
  • High renewal fees
  • HostGator is one of the most well-known hosting companies. Two types of hosting, domain registrar, and own custom website builder tool is provided by them. Best VPS Hosting Providers
  • The uptime is great that is 99.97%  but the speed is not so good that is 1064ms.
  • There are two data centers of Hostgator located in Utah and Texas (US).
  • The server specs are flexible as compared to the shared server hosting setup. You can do anything with your server as they give you full root access.
  • RAID-10 disk configuration, weekly backups, and unlimited free Cpanel to cPanel migration are also provided.
  • 24/7 customer support is available. They will give you extra time to fix things for you.

Pricing –

  • HostGator offers VPS hosting starting from $19.95/ month when paid for three years and $29.95 when paid monthly.
  • You get an unlimited number of sites, 2 GB RAM, 2 CPU cores, 120 GB of disk space, and 1.5 TB of bandwidth.
  • The server comes with no control panel. For panel installation, you need to pay $10/month and renewals are$79.95/ month.
  • Also, they provide you 45-days Money back guarantee.


4. Bluehost VPS – $18.99/ month (fully managed )


  • Fast average load time
  • Unlimited websites
  • Fully managed
  • Dedicated IP address
  • Daily backups, DDoS protection
  • Access control module
  • The free domain name for 1st year
  • 24/7 support


  • Data centers in the US only.
  • Bluehost covers all types of servers from cheap shared servers to fully-capable dedicated servers. They have a good selection of hosting options on offer. There VPS offers a good balance of features. Best VPS Hosting Providers
  • The uptime of Bluehost is 99.99%  and the load time is 750ms.
  • Bluehost uses its own server infrastructure or hosting environment. Other than this they provide root access, modern technologies like OpenStack and KVM, guarantee resources, and dynamic resource allocation. Best VPS Hosting Providers
  • The original features like instant provisioning and great access control module also offered. The enhanced control panel of Bluehost is built on top of cPanel that manages your server. It features special tools for VPS management and WHM control.
  • They provide 24/7 customer service.

Pricing –

  • Starting from $18.99/month with three years of commitment is the cheapest VPS hosting plan. Reducing the length of the contract increases the price of $29.99 / month. Best VPS Hosting Providers
  • Unlimited number sites, 2GB RAM, 2 CPU cores, 30GB of SSD disk space, 1 TB of bandwidth, 1 IP address are the features you get at that price.
  • Bluehost includes a dedicated IP address, a free domain name for 1 year, and a free SSL certificate.
  • $29.99/ month is the renewal cost. They also offer a 30days Money back guarantee.


5. InMotion VPS – $22.99/ month (managed)


  • Fast average load time
  • Unlimited websites
  • Fully managed
  • 3 dedicated IP addresses, free SSL
  • DDoS protection
  • 24/7support



  • Higher Renewal price.
  • InMotion hosting is all the different angles they take in the web hosting industry. They also have tailor-made offerings for freelancers, agency owners, and resellers. InMotion hosting has something or other for you no matter what you do. Best VPS Hosting Providers
  • They have two types of VPS hosting- managed and unmanaged. Managed is the one most of people choose.
  • The load time is very good. That is 500ms and an average uptime of 99.97%.
  • They have two data centers of their own, one in L.A and another in Washington DC.
  • They come with a neat dashboard that shows your resource consumption. You get route access scheduled backups and access to secure email accounts.
  • Free website migration transfer is also available. Every account gets two hours of dedicated time with a T3 system administrator.
  • The customer support is available 24/7, you can contact them via toll-free phone lines, emails, live chat.

Pricing –

  • The VPS cloud hosting plans start from $22.99/month with 3 years of contract and $54.99 if you pay monthly.
  • For that price, you get an unlimited number of sites, 4 GB RAM, 75 GB of SSD disk space and 4 TB of bandwidth.
  • InMotion Hosting includes 3 dedicated IP addresses, free SSL, a free domain, Cpanel admin 5 license.
  • $64.99/month is the renewal cost. 90 days money-back guarantee is also offered.


6. A2 Hosting VPS – $25/month (managed) – Best VPS Hosting Providers


  • Unlimited websites
  • Fully managed
  • 2 dedicated IP addresses and free SSL.
  • KernelCare and DDoS protection
  • 24/7 support system
  • Anytime money-back guarantee.


  • Slow average load time.
  • A2 hosting has multiple types of hosting setups like WordPress hosting and E-commerce. Many of them come in different configurations.
  • VPS selection offers 3 main types of setups such as unmanaged, managed, and managed+route access that is core VPS.
  • The uptime is 99.99% with 1134ms loading time which is not so good.
  • They run their own hosting infrastructure with data centers in the US, Amsterdam, and Singapore.
  • A2 Hosting VPS server is developer-friendly, gives you access to Cpanel and all popular technologies and software platforms. Server security and backups are managed for you.
  • Customer support is available 24/7. The support team calls themselves guru crew support.

Pricing –

  • The plan starts from $25/month for 2 years and $61 when you pay monthly.
  • Free website migration and unlimited email accounts are also included.
  • Renewal starts from $49.99/month. They offer you a guaranteed money-back guarantee.


7. Hostinger VPS -$3.95/ month (unmanaged) – Best VPS Hosting Providers


  • Fast average load time
  • Cheapest VPS hosting on the list
  • Unlimited websites
  • Dedicated IP address and DDoS protection
  • 24/7 customer service
  • Pick your server OS


  • 4 years contract
  • Paid backups.
  • Hostinger is known for its affordable pricing of different hosting types. The Hostinger VPS plans start from $3.95/month.
  • Hostinger provides high performance with 99.99% uptime and loads time of 300 MS.
  • They have data centers in the US, Asia, and the UK.
  • Hostinger gives you all the basic features and also some extra that are not provided by more expensive hosts. You can pick your server OS.
  • You get full root access, a dedicated IP address, IPv6 support, and easy web script installers.
  • 24/7 customer service support is available via live chat. This is an unmanaged server that is why you have to manage all the tasks.

Pricing –

  • Hosting VPS starts from $3.95/ month with 4 years of the contract (which is the longest among the list ) but this plan is the cheapest of all and a great option for small businesses. For monthly $9.95 is to be paid and renewals at$9.95/ month.
  • In this, you get features such as an Unlimited number of sites, 1 GB RAM, 1 vCPU, 20 GB of SSD disk space, and 1 TB of bandwidth.
  • You have to pay in addition to the daily backups that are $1.89 / month. For priority support, you can pay $1.99/ month.
  • 30day money back is guaranteed.


8. DreamHost VPS – $10/month (unmanaged ) – Best VPS Hosting Providers


  • Unlimited websites
  • Unlimited traffic
  • Dedicated IP address
  • Dedicated server resources
  • Reseller and sub-accounts
  • Free SSL


  • Live chat supports only from 5:30 am to 9:30 pm
  • Slow average load time.
  • DreamHost offers a wide range of different hosting setups that cater to different users’ needs and requirements. DreamHost VPS setup also provides variety and good price to value ratio.
  • The uptime is 99.97% which is too much downtime. The loading time is 1048 ms which is slow.
  • The data centers are located in the US of Dreamhost that make them not ideal for rest of international business and websites.
  • DreamHost is managed only in performance, security, and updates. The software installs, website management, etc is handled by you.
  • The DreamHost all plans come with unlimited bandwidth and traffic, unlimited MySQL databases, and email accounts. Because of the dedicated resources of the server, we get unhindered performance. The managing is done by a custom control panel. You also get reseller and sub-account features.
  • Customer support is only available from 5:30 am to 9:30 pm, which is not ideal.


  • The DreamHost plan starts from$10/month with a three-year contract, $15/month if you pay monthly.
  • You get Unlimited number of sites, 1 GB RAM, 30 GB of SSD disk space, Unlimited traffic and Unlimited email accounts
  • There are no refund policies.

I hope you like this article Best VPS Hosting Providers, please leave your comments below.


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Top 7 Best WordPress Security Plugins for Website Protection https://onetechspot.com/top-7-best-wordpress-security-plugins-for-website-protection/ https://onetechspot.com/top-7-best-wordpress-security-plugins-for-website-protection/#respond Sat, 30 May 2020 13:54:34 +0000 https://onetechspot.com/?p=953 WordPress security plugins for website protection.

It is essential to use a security tool on your WordPress site to have a successful business online.  Why does one need a WordPress security plugin? Here are the best Security Plugins for Website Protection.

On average, websites are attacked 44 times a day.  And any one of these attacks becomes successful then it could seriously hurt the business online. That is why WordPress site security is important. Security Plugins for Website Protection

Here are some of the negative things that can happen with a security breach include:-

  • Your and your customer’s data can be stolen by the online criminals.
  • They can explore your private data

from your business and customers.

  • Website content can be deleted.
  • Your site could distribute malware to visitors hurting your brand and SEO rankings.
  • It can be a complicated and costly process to fix the hacked WordPress site.

All these reasons make it important to have a WordPress security plugin installed. Security Plugins for Website Protection

Here is a list of 7 best WordPress security plugins for website protection. These can help you to pick the best one for your website business.


  1. Sucuri ~ Security Plugins for Website Protection

Sucuri is the best WordPress security plugin. This is the all in one security platform which is popular for good reasons. Sucuri is a great free WordPress security plugin for websites. But the pro version is the must-have. Security Plugins for Website Protection

Security Plugins for Website Protection7

 Features :

  • There is no extra cost of cleaning up your WordPress site if it gets malware.
  • By accessing your WordPress site, firewall protection helps you to block brute force and malicious attacks.
  • Let’s conduct malware scanning.
  • Effective security hardening.
  • It keeps track of everything that happens on your site, including file changes, last logins, and failed login attempts.
  • By blocking malicious traffic it can reduce server load time and improve your site’s performance.
  • From their own CDN servers, the static content.
  • It protects your website from SQL injections, XSS, and all known attacks.

Cost :

Sucuri has a free version and the pro version which is $299/ year.


  1. iThemes security pro ~

iThemes security pro creators team has also built the popular BackupBuddy plugins and other great plugins and themes. If you use WordPress you might be familiar with the team. All their tools offer an easy to use interface for brute force security protection and more. Security Plugins for Website Protection

Security Plugins for Website Protection6


  • They have Two-factor authentication for extra security.
  • Powerful password enforcement.
  • 404 detection and plugin scans.
  • Scheduled WordPress backups.
  • Looks out any suspicious IP that scans for vulnerability on your sites.
  • They send you email alerts to notify you about recent file updates that may be malicious on your site.
  • Ability to limit login attempts.
  • They use sucuri’s site check malware scanner because there’s no website firewall or malware scanner.

Cost :

iThemes security pro pricing starts at $80/year.


  1. Jetpack security ~

Jetpack is another popular all-in-one solution for the best WordPress protection plugins. They help you easily scan your website for security vulnerabilities and have over 5 million active installs.

Security Plugins for Website Protection5


  • The moment it detects your WordPress site is down they inform you via email.
  • Also protect from brute force login attacks, spam, and harmful malware.
  • 1-click restore and site backups.
  • It also includes website features and automated marketing tools.
  • Automatic comments filter.
  • They have organized event dashboard and site activity.
  • It also provides secure authentication via WordPress accounts.
  • Automatically updates your WordPress plugins.


The free version is less functional that’s why you need to upgrade to the premium version which starts at $9/month.


  1. Wordfence ~

Wordfence has some amazing features that protect your WordPress site and it is a free plugin.

Security Plugins for Website Protection4


  • It can use as many sites as you need.
  • It also monitors visits and hacks attempts including origin, their IP address, the time of day, and time spent on your site.
  • Alerts you and tracks about breached password usage so you can create a new strong password immediately.
  • Protection from brute force attacks with limiting failed login attempts is also provided.
  • Instead of cloud-based, it runs on your server which slows your website. Security Plugins for Website Protection


Wordfence is free.


  1. BulletProof security ~

BulletProof Security doesn’t look cool but has some basic security features for free. Security Plugins for Website Protection

Security Plugins for Website Protection3


  • Easy-to-use setup wizard.
  • Malware scanning and firewalls.
  • Database backups.
  • Login protection.
  • Notify you via email with security logs when the user gets locked out from failed login attempts.
  • Idle session logouts.


BulletProof security is also free  just like wordfence.

Top 8 Best Managed WordPress Hosting Providers

  1. All in one WP security and firewall ~

All in one WP security and firewall are easy and free to use to apply most WordPress best practices for security to your small business website. The tools in these are pretty much basics and not beginner-friendly as the more well-known solutions. Security Plugins for Website Protection

Security Plugins for Website Protection2


  • Scanning for malicious patterns.
  • IP filtering to block some people and geographical locations.
  • After failed login attempts login lockdowns.
  • You can view a list of locked out users to unlock individuals in just a few clicks.
  • There is a password strength tool that allows you to generate appropriately strong passwords.
  • User accounting monitoring.
  • A website level firewall but lacks DNS- level firewall.
  • You can manually blacklist suspicious IP addresses.


All in one WP security and firewall is free.


  1. Google Authenticator

Google Authenticator sets up Two-factor authentication for extra security which is a great idea to keep your website secure.

Security Plugins for Website Protection1


  • Adds an extra layer of security to your login by Two-factor authentication.
  • It has a simple interface which is easy to use
  • You can pick Two-factor authentication of your own choice.
  • You can do things like using it on custom login pages as it offers shortcodes.


It is also free.


Among all sucuri js the best WordPress security plugin. It comes with all the features to keep your website protected. The premium version is not free but it will eventually save you tons of potential cost and headache in event of a breach as you will have a secure website.


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